This takes the first sentence from the first post of each month for a fun little end of the year blog. Jan~ 2006. Feb~ Welcome to my favorite month of the year. :) Mar~ Monday we had torrential downpour which was lovely until I tried to drive home from work through streets that had morphed into streams. Apr~ I have decided that I don't want to blog anymore. May~ Spend more than about 5 seconds in a conversation about relationships and it's bound to dissolve into, "boys suck" and/or "girls suck" depending on the genders represented in the discussion. Jun~ I don't have much to say right now. Jul~ I got a call this afternoon from my dad that my Uncle OP (from India) had passed away last night. Aug~ There are some really great things about being an adult. Sep~ For all the melodies and choruses in the world, all the songs ever written, all the music about this earth, there is no greater sound than hearing a small child say your name. Oct~ I need a change. No...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson