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Showing posts from February, 2010

welcome to birthday month! aka February :)

In keeping with tradition, happy February! It is officially the best month of the year. In fact this month had proven to be so delightful in history that the ancient Romans cut it short so as to prevent Roman subjects from being too joyful, which as everyone knows could have led to pipe dreams such as overthrowing praetors, consuls, emperors, and the like. In fact they knew they were playing it fast & loose by adding even 1 extra day every four years, but the earth's orbit around the sun necessitated it, February was already unique, and it offended their sensibilities to adjust any of the other months. (Any and/or all of the preceding "facts" may or may not be entirely accurate, save for February being the best month of the year--that's been scientifically proven.) For all the amazing attributes that February has, and there are many, which you can read about in my previous first day of February posts, it is astounding to me that I've completely overlooked ...