Dear Joe West, I find it troubling and disappointing (you might say "a disgrace to baseball") that an umpire crew chief would make the kind of pace of game remarks that you did regarding the first Red Sox/Yankees series of the 2010 season. A more productive use of your time would be making sure that you and your crew are getting calls right, rather than worrying about the pace of the game or denying batters on both teams brief timeouts. You wonder why "two of the best teams in baseball" are also "playing the slowest." Have you considered the possibility that a correlation exists there? Perhaps being the best means concentrating more on playing a great game than worrying about how long it takes. Besides the fact that these were just the first 3 games of the year and everyone is just getting back into the groove of the long season. I realize that pace of game issues are typically related to getting more fans due to the misguided notion that more people d...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson