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Showing posts from June, 2004
20 questions 1. do parents of odd-looking children know that their kids look weird? 2. is the tradition of eating ham on Easter just kind of an extra screw you to the Jews? 3. do people who never write back to emails think they wrote back but really didn't so they have no idea why you say they never email you or are they just mean? 4. if people think getting snail mail is one of the best things in the world, why do they never send any? 5. why does money dictate everything we do? 6. why do I want to listen to angry music when I'm angry? does it help at all? 7. is it weird that I am going into film as a career and currently hate television and have little desire to keep half of the movies I own? 8. do you think when you finally convince your brother to go see "Harry Potter 3" with you and two projectors break down in the theater it's a sign that you weren't meant to see the movie? 9. do you think anyone ever gets anywhere in life by trying to be a genuine and/o...
my thoughts and tears and prayers are with Jeff Frolio's family Jeff was a photojournalist at a local news station here. I knew him & his family as they used to go to our church. Though I have not seen them for years, I am still saddened by his death. Jeff was killed in an accident while shooting footage about a dangerous intersection where two high school students were killed last month. Please pray for his wife at his three children on this sudden and tragic loss. Perhaps now we will lower the speed limit there and protect other Omaha families from feeling the devastation now sadly experienced by three families. May God be with them and hold them close.
God bless the Reagans The death of former President Ronald Reagan is quite sad. Praise God that he is in a better place now, though, and is no longer suffering. May we never forget what a great president looks like. I may be young but I remember when he was in office, and even then I knew he was a great man. And now he too has "slipped the surly bonds of Earth to touch the face of God."
this week's theme: talking to my parents makes me want to kill myself. It's not that I generally dislike conversing with my parents, it's just that of late it seems that anytime they say anything to me it begins with or descends to them complaining at me about anything in the universe. Half the time they yell at me about stuff my brothers do. It's fun being the oldest child in the house right now. I get the brunt of a lot of the crap without ANY benefits of being older. Life is SO fun. Anyway, in a couple weeks it won't matter as I will be in LA. I'm moving back and I leave June 19th. Hazaa!