20 questions 1. do parents of odd-looking children know that their kids look weird? 2. is the tradition of eating ham on Easter just kind of an extra screw you to the Jews? 3. do people who never write back to emails think they wrote back but really didn't so they have no idea why you say they never email you or are they just mean? 4. if people think getting snail mail is one of the best things in the world, why do they never send any? 5. why does money dictate everything we do? 6. why do I want to listen to angry music when I'm angry? does it help at all? 7. is it weird that I am going into film as a career and currently hate television and have little desire to keep half of the movies I own? 8. do you think when you finally convince your brother to go see "Harry Potter 3" with you and two projectors break down in the theater it's a sign that you weren't meant to see the movie? 9. do you think anyone ever gets anywhere in life by trying to be a genuine and/o...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson