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I have been a posting fiend of late, but it's been fun and/or painful depending on who you are. If you're me, which you're obviously not, so why would you even pretend? Anyway, for me it has been a mixture of fun and pain. That is my life right now. So here is what I am now wondering about, am I ready to jump into the freelance world? I don't know. I've been waiting so long to get a job, but what if the job is more stress than not having a job. Though, now that I think about it, any stress created from the job will likely be good stress except for the first day jitters, but that's quite temporary. Film has always been stressful for me, but in that uber good stress kind of way. I have moments of complete insanity and then everything comes together & it's all happy. And on the plus side having a job will get rid of the financial stress or at the very least lighten it a great deal. So I think all in all getting a job can only mean good things. The thought of freelance is a little daunting, but if I can handle moving to LA by myself I can handle anything. Bring it on. Hooray for a burst of optimism. See, this blog is good for something. So I finally downloaded "Let Go" by Frou Frou off of iTunes. I wasn't going to, but I really wanted to hear that song & I can't sit & watch TV all day just in the hopes of catching a Garden State trailer and I can't afford to buy the soundtrack and/or Frou Frou so I went with the iTunes thing. And you know what, it's been quite good listening to that song over & over again. I credit (blame) it in part for my brief bout of optimism. Don't worry I'm looking into finding a cure for that, surely I will not die from it. Speaking of dying, I had on my arm yesterday what looked to be a mosquito bite. I had just returned from the out of doors when I noticed an itch on my arm & I was pretty sure it was a mosquito bite, so I had a brief moment of panic that I had been stricken with the West Nile. Yeah I know there's like a 98% survival rate, but when you have the news hyping it every day and when you have Off marketing its bug repellant based on the threat, the thought of death does cross your mind. Fear not, though, the "bite" has gone away already & seeing as I am allergic to that kind of crap they never go away that quickly. Right, I know everyone is allergic, that's why the itching, but I have a heightened allergy, so back off alright. Well, I've had my fun for the evening and thus I should be going. I plan on filling my day tomorrow with uber productivity. One last thing before I go, props for today go to RV, Raj, and Steve. No time to explain why, but they know why they are so cool.
