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I wasn't going to post today in order to give everyone a chance to catch up on the 12 posts from the past week. Yeah, 12. I'm unemployed, give me a break. And I was hoping to build up suspense for my next witty repartee. Like that? Repartee, banter for those boycotting all things french. (Stay strong, we will not be overtaken by presidents whose names rhyme!) Back on subject, assuming there was one. The reason for not upholding this decision to withhold posting is twofold. The first and most important reason thing is to give out today's favorite person award. This is a very special award simply because it is the number one reason for breaking today's posting fast. The award goes to Nick. I apologize to all of you who thought you might be the catalyst for the special post. You are all special to me, but talking to Nick today was like catching up with an old friend. Mostly because it was catching up with an old friend. And by old I mean long time. It was one of those phone conversations that I mentioned in my favorite things post (that would be 3 back, check it out if you haven't). It felt like a long distance hug from a great friend & that made me feel awesome. He helped turn what started out as a crappy day into a happy day. Cheesy to rhyme like that I know, but when I'm happy I'm okay with being cheesy. Anyhow, Nick is great, you should meet him, you would like him. :)
And you could learn great things from him on how to stay in touch. See Nick & I met at this weeklong summer program called National Scholars Academy, which is actually where my film passion was cemented. After that one week 6 years ago, Nick has visited me in Omaha on 3 occasions. Two of which were rather short & the other he was there for around 24 hours. And even with all the time & space distance that we have had for those 6 years, I consider him one of my greatest friends. Email & IMing & especially phones are great.

And now onto the second reason for this post. The box office. Being the film nerd that I am I always look forward to checking the box office estimates every Sunday afternoon. And I am quite happy to report that Hero was on top this weekend. You should go see it, it's brilliant. And I bet you thought I was going to mention Garden State. And you would have been right. I did my part to up the box office for it this weekend by seeing it today for the 3rd time, but I am sad to report that as of the estimates, it went down this week. So get out there & see it if you haven't. You won't regret it & if you do I'll be happy to explain why you should have enjoyed it. ;) Have a great week everyone & just remember that you are all my favorite people.

watch for flying monkeys
