Just when I think things might start working out for me I remember those wretched student loans. It's really unfortunate as a person who loathes money that so much of my life is controlled by that crappy green stuff. Heh, sounds like diarrhea. I digress. So, I have a job interview for a non-paying Office PA position on an independent 35 mm. Great except all the work that doesn't help me to pay the rent. I guess we'll see how the interview goes & go from there. I don't know whether to hope for a good interview or a sucky one.
Anyway, today's FPA (favorite person award) goes to Phil whom I had not heard from in quite awhile so I was quite pleased when his email graced my inbox this afternoon. He told me about these books by G.K. Chesterton that sound really great. And now I want to go to B&N on a shopping spree. Of course I will abstain as the aforementioned money problem plaguing me makes it quite stupid to go buy a bunch of books, which is quite sad really as I need something to read.
Check out this site, it is my new amusement, oddtodd.com. Great cartoons on that site about being unemployed, funny stuff. :)
Anyway, today's FPA (favorite person award) goes to Phil whom I had not heard from in quite awhile so I was quite pleased when his email graced my inbox this afternoon. He told me about these books by G.K. Chesterton that sound really great. And now I want to go to B&N on a shopping spree. Of course I will abstain as the aforementioned money problem plaguing me makes it quite stupid to go buy a bunch of books, which is quite sad really as I need something to read.
Check out this site, it is my new amusement, oddtodd.com. Great cartoons on that site about being unemployed, funny stuff. :)