so today I moved in
That of course required moving out of the house I was in, arriving at my new apartment, moving all my stuff into the living room, finally putting together my bed (the one that Ikea delivered an hour early, jerks), and eventually carrying all my stuff up all the stairs & into my bedroom. It's been a long and tiring day, but a good one. I've decided that I don't think LA was made for single girls. Of course, I don't think any city probably was. I have had that thought frequently since moving here, and was reminded of it again last night as Leslie made sure all us girls had our keys out and in the if-you-attack-me-I-will-punch-you-in-the-face-with-my-key-that-is-so-cleverly-lodged-between-my-fingers-so-as-to-make-you-bleed position. Of course, I always have my keys at the ready. I also have my laser pointer/flashlight keychain. I didn't necessarily want a laser pointer, but the kind of flashlight keychain I was in search of happened to come with one, so now I feel that I can try to blind an attacker if necessary. Of course, pray to God that I never have to deal with an attacker.
Since I feel this post has descended into something depressing, let's change the subject. Okay, so what's better than seeing "Garden State?" If you said "Collateral" I will have to punch you. No, I haven't seen it, but come on. I don't see any hot actors in that movie. (Really, I don't think Tom Cruise is hot, old yes, hot no.) Anyway, so the only thing better is seeing "Garden State" for the 2nd time. Cheesy set-up, I know. Zach Braff being of course the hot actor I was referring to if anyone got lost. Anyway, I cannot tell you how much I love that movie. And I am greatly anticipating the day when one of my friends goes to see it so that we can have glorious conversations about it, and so that you can see the wonder that is this film. This film captures so much of what I have felt in the last few years. It is a work of art.
Enough gushing. Back to the single girl thing, before I went off on the attacker tangent. What I had intended to finish that thought with was that I spent today moving all of my stuff (largely by myself, save for when I left the White's house, they helped me load my car) and then I spent this afternoon building a bed by myself. Building furniture seems to be something that should be a community activity wherein you drink beer and talk about ice cream, brackety things, and little worm guys . . . wait I'm channeling the first episode of friends. Back up. Now, don't get me wrong, accomplishing the assembly of my bed on my own felt pretty great. I just think that people were not meant to be alone. I miss living in a place that I would have 12 friends to help me unload my car if I asked. Yes, that place was Orange City & while I don't miss the tulip nazis, I do miss the community that we had there. Okay, yeah I said it. I had built a great life for myself at NW, I feel. And I know it's only a matter of time & actually going to church, but I cannot wait to be surrounded by a community again.
Okay, it's uber late & this has been rambling-palooza, so only a couple more things. It's a very happy thing to be able to use the internet from the luxury of your own apartment. It's also a very happy thing to have freesia linen spray to put on your sheets on your new bed. Spreading freesia around the world one bedroom at a time. Go see "Garden State" and "The Village." And then ask Nate why he didn't care too much for it, "The Village," that is. I'm only kidding, don't bug him, as someone who is very cool he is entitled to his own opinion, but don't none of you uncool people start emailing me with your own opinions because I will not stand for that. I kid. Oh! Also, go see "Hero," it'll be in theaters Aug. 27. I hope that's nation wide otherwise I just feel like an LA jerk. Pick up Entertainment Weekly before Friday to get the Fall Movie Preview. Johnny Depp is on the cover, you can't shake a stick at that. And sometime later than intended, I will leave you now. Goodnight.
That of course required moving out of the house I was in, arriving at my new apartment, moving all my stuff into the living room, finally putting together my bed (the one that Ikea delivered an hour early, jerks), and eventually carrying all my stuff up all the stairs & into my bedroom. It's been a long and tiring day, but a good one. I've decided that I don't think LA was made for single girls. Of course, I don't think any city probably was. I have had that thought frequently since moving here, and was reminded of it again last night as Leslie made sure all us girls had our keys out and in the if-you-attack-me-I-will-punch-you-in-the-face-with-my-key-that-is-so-cleverly-lodged-between-my-fingers-so-as-to-make-you-bleed position. Of course, I always have my keys at the ready. I also have my laser pointer/flashlight keychain. I didn't necessarily want a laser pointer, but the kind of flashlight keychain I was in search of happened to come with one, so now I feel that I can try to blind an attacker if necessary. Of course, pray to God that I never have to deal with an attacker.
Since I feel this post has descended into something depressing, let's change the subject. Okay, so what's better than seeing "Garden State?" If you said "Collateral" I will have to punch you. No, I haven't seen it, but come on. I don't see any hot actors in that movie. (Really, I don't think Tom Cruise is hot, old yes, hot no.) Anyway, so the only thing better is seeing "Garden State" for the 2nd time. Cheesy set-up, I know. Zach Braff being of course the hot actor I was referring to if anyone got lost. Anyway, I cannot tell you how much I love that movie. And I am greatly anticipating the day when one of my friends goes to see it so that we can have glorious conversations about it, and so that you can see the wonder that is this film. This film captures so much of what I have felt in the last few years. It is a work of art.
Enough gushing. Back to the single girl thing, before I went off on the attacker tangent. What I had intended to finish that thought with was that I spent today moving all of my stuff (largely by myself, save for when I left the White's house, they helped me load my car) and then I spent this afternoon building a bed by myself. Building furniture seems to be something that should be a community activity wherein you drink beer and talk about ice cream, brackety things, and little worm guys . . . wait I'm channeling the first episode of friends. Back up. Now, don't get me wrong, accomplishing the assembly of my bed on my own felt pretty great. I just think that people were not meant to be alone. I miss living in a place that I would have 12 friends to help me unload my car if I asked. Yes, that place was Orange City & while I don't miss the tulip nazis, I do miss the community that we had there. Okay, yeah I said it. I had built a great life for myself at NW, I feel. And I know it's only a matter of time & actually going to church, but I cannot wait to be surrounded by a community again.
Okay, it's uber late & this has been rambling-palooza, so only a couple more things. It's a very happy thing to be able to use the internet from the luxury of your own apartment. It's also a very happy thing to have freesia linen spray to put on your sheets on your new bed. Spreading freesia around the world one bedroom at a time. Go see "Garden State" and "The Village." And then ask Nate why he didn't care too much for it, "The Village," that is. I'm only kidding, don't bug him, as someone who is very cool he is entitled to his own opinion, but don't none of you uncool people start emailing me with your own opinions because I will not stand for that. I kid. Oh! Also, go see "Hero," it'll be in theaters Aug. 27. I hope that's nation wide otherwise I just feel like an LA jerk. Pick up Entertainment Weekly before Friday to get the Fall Movie Preview. Johnny Depp is on the cover, you can't shake a stick at that. And sometime later than intended, I will leave you now. Goodnight.