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hazaa! and un-hazaa!

First of all, wahoo! for Arrested Development winning best comedy series, best comedy writing & best comedy directing! There were 3 other technical nods that I have not been able to find out the results of, but they 3 of the big awards, so fan-freakin'tastic! The show rocks! Thanks to RV for emailing me about the win as I in fact did not watch the Emmy's.

Why did I not watch them? You might be wondering. This will lead us to the un-hazaa portion of the post. And no the un-hazaa is not that I missed the Emmy's. The un-hazaa lies in the reason why I missed them. I was at church tonight which I was really looking forward to, and the p&w was good, but other than that it was not so great. And I'm actually quite upset tonight about where they are going with the program. To make a long story short(er than it could be), I had been attending this night service geared towards young adults, 18-24 & it was awesome. The church also has a 25-35 year-old service. This fall they decided to merge them & make it one service. I was all for this because the idea behind it was to create an environment in which mentors would sort of organically emerge. Like, people who have a little more life experience than you but aren't too removed from where you are to still be relevant would get to know you & be your friend and you can learn from them. Cool crap like that. In return the "younger" people would help keep the "older" people young. Not that 35 is remotely old, but you know what I mean. Well, tonight they announced that in fact they are actually turning this into just a 4th service, meaning the same stuff that happens on Sunday morning will be happening on Sunday night, same sermon & all, only it's in a different space with essentially an exclusive age group. And not that people over 35 can't come and not that people 18-35 can't go to the morning service, but whatever. It's pretty screwed up. Because as opposed to creating an environment in which this generation is being specifically reached out to, which is the whole point as the church as a whole has really dropped the ball once people leave high school and go into what is undoubtedly the most unstable and difficult periods of their lives & many at that point reject the church, possibly because of the aforementioned ball-droppage, instead of doing something relevant for the age group outside of the whole congregation environment which is important too, they are just segregating us. I am angry about this and really sad. Ugh.

Sometimes I really dislike myself because I have such a hard time getting to know people because I am so not outgoing & at a time in my life that I don't know anyone, it would be helpful to be able to try & get to know people, but no dice on that one. I really wish I could just bring all my friends out here and have the world that I've already built 3 times in the past 4 years rather than starting all over again. I want people who know me already. The getting to know new people process can be fun, but it can also be painful & no thank you to that one right now. :P on everything right now, that's how I feel.

Oh, Mieke is really cool, though. I haven't met her, but she knows one of my profs & she is interested in the LAFSC, so my prof said hey email this girl and answer her questions. And so I did and we've been corresponding and she emailed me back tonight & said some really kind things about me, so that was nice.
