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I had a great interview today. I'm actually supposed to be writing a script coverage right now as sort of a part of the interview process still. Normally, writing coverage is no big deal, but when landing the job depends on it, it's a bit more stressful. I only have 30 pages left of the script to read & it just now has piqued my interest. It's midnight, I probably should have started earlier instead of watching the "Secret Life Of . . ." marathon all day. Though, in my defense, I worked on almost all the shows they aired today, so I wanted to see how they turned out. Oh, coverage by the way is summarizing a script into 2 pages max & then giving your commentary & recommendation as to whether this is a project you think is worth pursuing. Nine times out of 10, no big deal as most scripts are complete crap. Anyway, I'm actually working tomorrow. The woman I interviewed with this morning called me this afternoon & said while she still has to wait to read my coverage and she does have a couple other people she has scheduled to interview, she liked me & needs some help around the office tomorrow before she goes out of town, so she asked if I would be willing to come in for the day. That's pretty encouraging & a paycheck for the day is a happy thing. Of course, this only puts more pressure on the coverage as I feel that is the only factor left in determining if I get this job. And this is something I really want, I liked the woman I would be working for & I know it would be a great learning experience. The reason the coverage is so important is that she wants to see how our opinions compare. If we have similar tastes then she says she is able to pass off some of the script reading to me. People hire her for what she likes, so it's important for our opinions to match up. That's quite a lot of pressure on subjectivity. Anyhow, those last 30 pages are not going to read themselves nor will the coverage write itself, so in the hopes of getting some sleep tonight I will bid you adieu.

current musical enjoyments: Garden State soundtrack & Josh Groban, I've been in a very mellow music mood of late


Unknown said…
Yay Azina! Yay for the good interview, Yay for a day of work, Yay because you have great taste, Yay because your coverage will rock, and Yay for getting the soundtrack(i might have to send you a blank cd so you can burn one for me).

have a most excellent day!