Let me just say that while the regular relationship advice hiatus will end on Saturday, one thing I have no interest in ever advising people on is their honeymoon. If you can't decide where to go, do not ask me. I will not help you. Not today, not after Saturday. I don't feel bad putting a permanent embargo on this one. Why you might ask? Because not knowing where to go on a honeymoon is not an emotional or logical problem or one that even requires my insight but rather one that stems from lack of creativity & while in general I am happy to inspire creativity, on this one you're on your own as well you should be. And that's all I have to say on that one, ever. So don't ask. If you do I hereby vow to either hit you or if you are not in hitting range I will try to sell you on the virtues of Siberia. I will even call their bureau of tourism and make sure they start sending you monthly brochures. Consider yourself duly warned.
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson