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amendment amendment

I must make an amendment to the honeymoon advice embargo. As Pieter pointed out, Siberia might not be all that bad of a spot for a honeymoon as all the focus would be on activities to keep warm . . .
So, if you're in need of honeymoon advice, you won't even get Siberia out of me, you will only get hit. That's my only offer to you, so don't ask.

So yay, for having a life last night and going out & not getting back until almost 2 am. Good times. I feel like I'm really establishing a life here now & that is a great feeling. Now I just need friends to come visit me. :)

Today I finally got my pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. See the Starbucks near my house closes at 6pm because they are jerks. So I can't make it there after work & for several reasons it's not convenient to go there before work. But last night I was supposed to get off at 5, leaving plenty of time to get some pumpkin-y goodness on my way home. Unfortunately, just as I was about to leave the office, my key got stuck in the door. (I was the only one there, so I had to lock up.) The key wouldn't turn & it wouldn't come out, so I was stuck. I called my mom for advice. She gave me a couple of ideas that did not work. So I had to call my boss & wait 20 minutes for him to come back to the office. He was cool about it at least. I have a good boss. A lot of liquid graphite and some pliers later, I was finally free to go home, at 6pm. No latte for me last night. So I went today & on top of being delightful, it also came in a holiday cup. Hooray for it being that time of year!


Ronnie said…
Thats why you shouldn't by coffee or tea from evil corporations.