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mmm, spicy goodness

Is it weird that the hot salsa was bubbling. It kinda freaks me out. Oh well, it was still full of spicy goodness.

So I like how I have an ear infection and no health insurance. Fun.

Here are some fun numbers for you:
2.25 - the price of gas, sad to be excited about that when I about had an aneurysm when first went up to 2.23, ah what a difference an entire month of unholy gas prices will make
108,000 - miles on my little car
41! - from Ben Hur, that was his slave number & the guy yells it all like, "41!" I remember random things. Also happens to be the number of days til my favorite movie of the year is released in dvd. Don't worry even though I've done this countdown thing twice in one week, I won't be all keeping it up like that until it actually comes out, I'm not *that* obsessed. ;)

So this is a short and random post, but I have to go into work early tomorrow so that means I have to read a 135 page script tonight. Yes, early only means 10am, but when I normally go to work at 2, that's a whole 4 hours early. It makes a difference.

Anyway, happy hump day and the obligatory don't take it like that.


Ronnie said…
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't tell me you are counting down the days until Napolean Dynomite come out on DVD.
aziner said…
Nope. You're only adding to the theory that you don't know me well enough to write an entire blog entry about me. ;) This is a film I've seen 5 times. I've only seen ND once. Keep guessing.
Ronnie said…
King Arthur?
aziner said…
I haven't even seen King Arthur. Keep guessing. My blog contains the answer in more than one place.
aziner said…
Wow. I just read through this post. My apologies to the 4.7 people who read this for all the spelling/grammar atrocities. How very terrible.
Ronnie said…
Garden State?
aziner said…
Of course.