Brought to you in part by the letters F, U, the number 23 and Christmas Eve. (For those of you who don't remember what low tech blogging is, it is the fun pen & paper form that my blogging takes on the rare occasions that I fly anywhere.) Of course, if I never told you a specific post was written low technically you would never know because to you the form this blog takes is the same as any other. In order to let you in, the original form of this blog was written in cursive with a medium point blue Bic pen on an almost 3 year old National Religious Broadcaster's convention notepad. Also, as it is 5:50 am & I have been up for 19 hours doing stuff pretty much straight through that whole time, the writing is abhorrently sloppy & many indecipherable scribblings have already been crossed out.
Really random memory from 8th grade relative to today's sponsoring letters. F, U for those of you with short term memory problems. My friend Melissa Podany used to say the periodic table of elements abbreviation thingie for iron was FU. It is in fact FE for the non-nerdy and/or non-sciency set out there. She was just joking of course & at the time it was way funny. You know what? It still is for the sole reason that making fun of science crap is always a good idea.
Melissa & I were really good friends in the jr. high call you every night after school even though we just spent all day together sense. Unfortunately, she went to a different high school & that was that. I've been thinking a lot about "lost" friends lately. You know there's this saying about how some people are only in your life for a season. I dislike that idea, but then again it is a natural & healthy progression. Think about it. Remember the people you were friends with in kindergarten? Now for most of us, we have no idea where any of those people are & they have no idea where we are. And while to some extent it's sad that the people who once meant the most to us could be dead for all we know, it is what happen in life. We have served our purpose in our kindergarten friends' lives & they in ours. Imagine if you were still good friends with everyone you were ever good friends with. Hopefully, that would mean you would be friends with an unholy amount of people. It's just not practical. And I fear it would be more of a strain to maintain all of those relationships than a joy. For someone who is currently suffering from a friend shortage the idea of hundreds of is momentarily appealing, but I realize how difficult that would truly be. Of course, with the modern marvels of email it is easier to keep in touch with people & that can be a blessing. I site Nick M. & Phil in particular as the majority of my friendship with these guys has actually developed over email. But I am left wondering if maybe we're not grasping onto relationships that have been fulfilled & we're simply hanging on & prolonging them because we simply can. Don't get me wrong, the bulk of communication I have with my friends is through email & I believe that we still have roles to play in each others' lives. And I believe that it's no coincidence that I'm living in a time of ease of communication & 2 of my good friends I got to know largely through email. Nick & I have been friends for 6 1/2 years now. Wow, crazy when you put a number on it. In all that time we have not spent even a grand total of two weeks together. Crazy, but true. I met Phil last spring & spent 2 nights hanging out with him. Since then we have kept in touch through email on a regular basis. So trust me, I do believe email has its place. But I also believe that it often oversteps its bounds. The from this takes in your own life is probably specific to you, but I think you probably know what I'm talking about. If not, feel free to post a "what the hell are you talking about?" comment and I will try to explain what has not been made clear in 4 pages of this NRB notepad.
Since my last post was unabashedly bitter, for which I do not apologize but do reveal that since I am now out of the land where nothing works & by that I mean my house, not Los Angeles, I am in a pretty good mood. I am now offering to you a special Christmas version of "To blank with love." Disclaimer: The only thing that makes this a special Christmas version is the fact that it is being written for you on Christmas Eve.
To Joe with love, I was only joking when I said I would probably see Jadyn in person before you got around to sending out pictures. In no way was this meant to challenge you to win the gold medal of slackery brother-in-laws. I would fire you except that would only produce the same result, so instead I will have to kick you as soon as I get to Houston. (I probably won't kick him as I understand he is my ride from the airport.)
To Los Angeles with love, you are now my home & as much as you can suck with your traffic & godless gas prices & crappy gas appliances at my house, I have come to love you & miss you. You are a part of me now & I look forward to sharing you with any friends & family who decide they're not too cool for LA.
To the Who lady with love, you win a prize for being the stewardess who most reminds me of a Who from Dr. Seuss' classic book with your festive outfit & headband. Yeah & since I think PC terms are crap, I used the old school stewardess instead of the new school flight attendant.
To the turban guy with love, while I did not see any of your kind at the airport today (not big Christmas travellers I guess) I still offer you my love. No one wants to see you on their flight even though you are more than likely a nice Sikh man. Those Sikhs are cool, but sadly you are pegged a terrorist looking guy because you refuse to deny the traditions of your heritage. I say rock that turban because you are cooler than the bumbling idiots who fear you simply for the large amount of cloth wrapped about your head.
To the hummy mumbler with love, you stand behind me in line at the gate & hum along to the Christmas music overhead & add in the about 7.3 words you do know. You are a fun old guy to have behind me in line. Your Christmas spirit rocks.
To the "goth God"/non-goth hottie with love, you are my boarding pass taker, but do you realize that you look like a slightly older non-goth version of "goth God" on Joad of Arcadia?
To my readers with love, some of you have been here from the beginning, some of you have stumbled across this site randomly & have become friends, however you came here, you totally rock. Thanks for checking in from time to time & putting up with the sarcasm & the occasional somber post. May you all have a blessed Christmas & may your years start of brilliantly.
Really random memory from 8th grade relative to today's sponsoring letters. F, U for those of you with short term memory problems. My friend Melissa Podany used to say the periodic table of elements abbreviation thingie for iron was FU. It is in fact FE for the non-nerdy and/or non-sciency set out there. She was just joking of course & at the time it was way funny. You know what? It still is for the sole reason that making fun of science crap is always a good idea.
Melissa & I were really good friends in the jr. high call you every night after school even though we just spent all day together sense. Unfortunately, she went to a different high school & that was that. I've been thinking a lot about "lost" friends lately. You know there's this saying about how some people are only in your life for a season. I dislike that idea, but then again it is a natural & healthy progression. Think about it. Remember the people you were friends with in kindergarten? Now for most of us, we have no idea where any of those people are & they have no idea where we are. And while to some extent it's sad that the people who once meant the most to us could be dead for all we know, it is what happen in life. We have served our purpose in our kindergarten friends' lives & they in ours. Imagine if you were still good friends with everyone you were ever good friends with. Hopefully, that would mean you would be friends with an unholy amount of people. It's just not practical. And I fear it would be more of a strain to maintain all of those relationships than a joy. For someone who is currently suffering from a friend shortage the idea of hundreds of is momentarily appealing, but I realize how difficult that would truly be. Of course, with the modern marvels of email it is easier to keep in touch with people & that can be a blessing. I site Nick M. & Phil in particular as the majority of my friendship with these guys has actually developed over email. But I am left wondering if maybe we're not grasping onto relationships that have been fulfilled & we're simply hanging on & prolonging them because we simply can. Don't get me wrong, the bulk of communication I have with my friends is through email & I believe that we still have roles to play in each others' lives. And I believe that it's no coincidence that I'm living in a time of ease of communication & 2 of my good friends I got to know largely through email. Nick & I have been friends for 6 1/2 years now. Wow, crazy when you put a number on it. In all that time we have not spent even a grand total of two weeks together. Crazy, but true. I met Phil last spring & spent 2 nights hanging out with him. Since then we have kept in touch through email on a regular basis. So trust me, I do believe email has its place. But I also believe that it often oversteps its bounds. The from this takes in your own life is probably specific to you, but I think you probably know what I'm talking about. If not, feel free to post a "what the hell are you talking about?" comment and I will try to explain what has not been made clear in 4 pages of this NRB notepad.
Since my last post was unabashedly bitter, for which I do not apologize but do reveal that since I am now out of the land where nothing works & by that I mean my house, not Los Angeles, I am in a pretty good mood. I am now offering to you a special Christmas version of "To blank with love." Disclaimer: The only thing that makes this a special Christmas version is the fact that it is being written for you on Christmas Eve.
To Joe with love, I was only joking when I said I would probably see Jadyn in person before you got around to sending out pictures. In no way was this meant to challenge you to win the gold medal of slackery brother-in-laws. I would fire you except that would only produce the same result, so instead I will have to kick you as soon as I get to Houston. (I probably won't kick him as I understand he is my ride from the airport.)
To Los Angeles with love, you are now my home & as much as you can suck with your traffic & godless gas prices & crappy gas appliances at my house, I have come to love you & miss you. You are a part of me now & I look forward to sharing you with any friends & family who decide they're not too cool for LA.
To the Who lady with love, you win a prize for being the stewardess who most reminds me of a Who from Dr. Seuss' classic book with your festive outfit & headband. Yeah & since I think PC terms are crap, I used the old school stewardess instead of the new school flight attendant.
To the turban guy with love, while I did not see any of your kind at the airport today (not big Christmas travellers I guess) I still offer you my love. No one wants to see you on their flight even though you are more than likely a nice Sikh man. Those Sikhs are cool, but sadly you are pegged a terrorist looking guy because you refuse to deny the traditions of your heritage. I say rock that turban because you are cooler than the bumbling idiots who fear you simply for the large amount of cloth wrapped about your head.
To the hummy mumbler with love, you stand behind me in line at the gate & hum along to the Christmas music overhead & add in the about 7.3 words you do know. You are a fun old guy to have behind me in line. Your Christmas spirit rocks.
To the "goth God"/non-goth hottie with love, you are my boarding pass taker, but do you realize that you look like a slightly older non-goth version of "goth God" on Joad of Arcadia?
To my readers with love, some of you have been here from the beginning, some of you have stumbled across this site randomly & have become friends, however you came here, you totally rock. Thanks for checking in from time to time & putting up with the sarcasm & the occasional somber post. May you all have a blessed Christmas & may your years start of brilliantly.