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to Raj with love

So I was recently berated by my older younger brother (Raj) through his blog for my great oversight in having not mentioned the address for his blog. I would however like to point out that my reference to his blog was after he had posted a comment here, and as all smart blog readers know, by clicking on the name of a commenter you can reach their blog. So while I did not post the address myself, it was already here and I was kind enough to direct people there. But just to alleviate any fellow middle child aggression toward me, we are 2 & 3 of 4 if that makes any sense. Here is Raj's blog: You can read his scathing remarks about me there in his post titled "no need for intervention." Don't worry, you likely won't have to look for this post as it is sure to be the most recent post for at least 12 days. Ha. I kid.

And just to show that he is not in fact a better sibling than I, I bring you To Raj With Love, an entire blog devoted to my beloved brother.

To Raj with love, with the exception of this week you are the biggest blog slacker I know. Your writing greatly amuses me and I think that perhaps you should spend less time working, going to class, and even sleeping if it means blogging more often. Notice how I didn't say spend less time with the girl, we like her plus I think if you cut back on those other activities mentioned you'll have enough time for blogging without cutting into the make out time. ;) Yes I referred to Stacie as "the girl," this is a term of endearment. Yes I used the royal we.

To Raj with love, even though you have an unholy obsession with Coldplay, you occasionally stumble across some other good tunes and share them with me. Most notably right now, Damien Rice who I listen to 24/7 except for when the Christmas music is on. "And so it is / Just like you said it would be . . ." Mmm

To Raj with love, you are the one who got me interested in Scrubs which has resulted in my love for Zach Braff which led me to see my favorite movie of the year. Garden State for those of you who haven't been paying any attention. Should Scrubs ever get cancelled I will have no recourse but to blame you for piquing my interest in it. Much like I blame you for causing me to enjoy Craig Kilborn not too long before his untimely departure. Turducken, anyone?

To Raj with love, were it not for you I would have had very little fun as a child. Yes, much of my fun came from torturing you, but I'm pretty sure you had fun too, maybe. No? Well, for some reason you still talk to me, so it's cool. Besides when else in your life have you been able to take markers and crayons and create a wall-sized masterpiece. I'm pretty sure most people you know have not made such an accomplishment. And let's not forget to mention the inspired portrayal of Darth Vader. Not everyone can convincingly pull it off with a clothespin hanging from their nose. There are of course more stories, but I fear I've said to much already and you will remember that you should probably hate me. Plus, if I say too much more I won't have anything to write in my screenplay.

To Raj with love, you are my best older younger brother, I hope this absolves me from my slight oversight of not mentioning your blog's address. Just to make sure, here it is again for anyone who wasn't paying attention:


raj said…
My hat is off to you. Not only did you graciously accept my cyberspace chastisment with poise, but you responded with words that moved me deeply (but different from the way that Sonic's chili products move me down deep). Your post brought about both amusement and remniscence. That being said, I AM NOT FOOLED. You mountebank, thought I would gaze right over the sentence where you spill your true intentions, did you? And I quote, "And just to show that he is not in fact a better sibling than I, I bring you To Raj With Love, an entire blog devoted to my beloved brother." Aha! The game is afoot (because if it were abreast CBS would get fined again by the FCC). Your loving words, though no doubt genuine each and every one, were amassed in an effort to once again assert your sororal tyranny over me. I will not be had so easily! I will expose you even if I have to make Faren-aziner-heit 9/11 AND 9/11 and 1/2 just to instruct the obviously uneducated public. "The day is mine!" - SNL Jeopardy Sean Connery.


p.s. thanks. I really did appreciate your post.
p.p.s. wasn't that a freakin' hilarious pun?
p.p.p.s. am I the only one who noticed that my last post-script to you had "p.p." in it? (which if read aloud is "peepee"). HAHA. Junior high humor lives on.
p.p.p.p.s. this is the last one, I swear. I just wanted to clarify that I in no way endorse Farenheit 9/11 or any other propaganda produced by Michael "I'm a giant douche" Moore. My reference to his film was purely for the sake of mockery. Furthermore I publicly denounce the 9/11 and 1/2 nonsense as obviously the public voted their conscience and did not feel that "Botox Man" (the defender of the expressionless) would be an appropriate leader for the most powerful country in the world. Can you blame them? What if he jokingly said to Vladimir Putin, "Damn, I miss those cold war days," but then failed to wink because he is incapable of moving his face? If the people wanted a president like that, they'd elect recent stroke victim Dick Clark. Oooh, sorry, I just learned that it is too soon to make fun of that. My bad.
p.p.p.p.p.s. I lied, so what? I just wanted to make it known that I am in fact aware that I've now officially written more on here than I do in my own blog. Thank you and goodnite.