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Thanks, JJ! Yes, happy hump day everyone! Pieter, I forgot to say how amused I was by your hump day every day of the week comment. Clever.


Ronnie said…
In honor of hump day I leave you with a little diddy from Bobby Brown:

No matter what they say. No, it ain't that way. Ain't nobody humpin' around!!!
Galen said…
Another grand anniversary! Also, this is the first hump day I've celebrated with full knowledge of all that humping entails. Cheers!
Pete said…
Did you have sex Galen?
Galen said…
Nope Pete, I don't know how to do that. I just had hump day explained to me, so for the first time ever when I was wished a happy hump day my mind jumped to the weekend instead of straight into the gutter like yours. ;)
Pete said…
Ouch...guess my reputation is growing. Thaaats great.
aziner said…
Hooray, we have saved someone from Pieter's hump day gutter! Ha, you have been thwarted!