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the Commish!

Wednesday went well. On top of being on set, I also got a call for a job interview. Let's hope I get called back for a second interview next week. I met a lot of the cast & crew of The Shield, it was a good time. Everyone was nice to me. One of the guys decided my name should be Azina Hula Lulla, he was quite amused with himself. When I met Michael Chiklis all I was thinking was, you're the Commish! I didn't say it of course, but I was thinking it. Shadowing the script supervisor was fun. I think it would be a good job for me.

Yesterday my friend Jessica and her husband James were here, it was quite delightful. We went to Panera, which does happen to be the greatest place on the planet. And then to Outback for dinner, which they were kind enough to pay for. I had a great time, but now they are gone and that is sad.

Tonight in honor of Cinco de Mayo, which yes I realize was two days ago, we're cooking enchiladas and then we're going to see Crash. I hope it's good, I think it will be. I will let you know.

Have a happy Saturday everyone! :)
