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"i want to share oreos with a special someone"

What a delightful weekend. :) I missed my lovely roommate, but the women's retreat was great. I am happy to be back in LA, and actually kind of sad to be leaving again so soon. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally psyched to see my family & be in Omaha, but I wish the women's retreat and leaving for Omaha could have been spread out a little more. Oh well.

So the oreo quote is from someone else's blog. I thought it quite cute despite the fact that I hate oreos. Yes, the truth is out. Some of you already knew that about me, but I'm sure many of you didn't. Ha, I say some + many as if there are more than 3.7 people who read this blog. Speaking of people who read this blog, thanks for your comment, Sherry. I love reading stories about your students, they are funny. :)

Tonight Nicole and I went over to Jon Mark's house to hang out with Shannon. Then we went to church. Then to IHOP. And then we went and saw Star Wars, what a crazy night. Thanks so much to Jon Mark and James for buying our tickets. :) Overall I thought it was a good movie, but it has definite shortcomings. The dialogue for one. Oy! I don't want to give too much away, so I won't do a full review here yet. I do have to say though that in some ways watching it was like watching The Passion. Right, I know I'm probably condemned to hell for comparing Star Wars to a Jesus movie, but what I mean is that you know what's going to happen and still the whole time you're hoping for a different ending. No, Anakin! Don't choose the darkside! Palpatine is a lying jerkface! No! Anyway, should sleep now. Have a happy week everyone!
