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let it snow!

What a completely marvelous weekend this was. :) Last night Shannon & Jon Mark came over for enchiladas and then we hung out for awhile and then we went and saw Crash. Crash was good and intense and sad. If you see it, just know that LA is not that bad, but the film is not without its accuracies. This is a city that changes people and it is a place where people are more likely to fly off the handle at someone than to take 5 seconds to realize that it's possible that someone else may have a problem as big or bigger than their own. It is a city of self-absorption, and the film captured that brilliantly. The storyline with Michael Pena is amazing, and of itself makes the film worth seeing. Of course, the whole thing is worth it. I really felt for Sandra Bullock's character, so much that my heart is still sad that there are people like her out there. At one point her character is on the phone with a friend and she is explaining her frustrations and just breaks into the heart of her trouble and the friend says she'll have to call back later. That breaks my heart. The movie is well made and there are some amazing character arcs. While there are some things in the film that are specifically LA, the suffering we cause others is universal, so even if you've never been here you'll be able to relate.

So here's something crazy we discovered last night, Shannon knows Pieter's sister. What a truly small world this is.

Today was going pretty slowly and then Shannon called and asked what we were up to. I told him nothing and that we were actually quite bored. So he said he would come over and hang out. He made us some delightful banana splits. Then Merlin called and came over and we played cards until time for church. It was a fun spontaneous day. Merlin is hilarious. As we were leaving for church Shannon jumped from the second floor of our building into the courtyard. It was a little scary and we had to remind him of our no hospital policy. That policy being the one in which Nicole & I preemptively refuse to take anyone to the hospital should they get injured, thus necessitating that no one we're friends with ever gets hurt. It's quite a brilliant policy I must say. Anyhow, no one died or bled or broke anything which is quite possibly a miracle given the car ride antics on the way to church. Shannon had about as much of an adventure as is possible in a moving vehicle. All good times.

The great thing about living in a city in which it rarely snows is that when it finally does, which it WILL in my lifetime I am determined, is that the entire city will undoubtedly shutdown, which will mean traffic will be a dream, which means we are totally hitting the town. We decided that we're going to the beach when it snows. How amazing would it be to sit on the beach in southern California and watch it snow over the Pacific? That would be marvelous. Well, I hope everyone has a delightful week!


Ms. McGowan said…
Your life sounds quite sets...jumping off of roofs...panera bread...Mexican holidays...I'm a little jealous.

In college, some of our friends lived in a house down the street from the school. They would make movies of themselves skateboarding off of the roof into the pool. Boys. :)

2 hours until the hump day celebrations begin!