So I have this whole file of quotes saved and I was reading through them today and came across this one that I saved quite some time ago.
"When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of algebra."
- Gene Yasenak
No doubt I saved it because I am amused by it, but truth be told thinking of algebra doesn't deter me from wanting to return to youth. Now, I don't often wish that I were in middle school again, but certainly not for reasons at all related to algebra. Quite the opposite really. Thinking about algebra sort of almost makes me want to return to youth, to a time when I loved math and people actually respected me for my intelligence. Not to say that I'm the most intelligent person in the world or that it's that big of a deal to me, but I feel like now no one has any idea that I'm pretty smart. It's just kinda weird for me. I was at a party probably about a month ago now, and some of the guys were talking about science and various other nerd crap and I was not an active participant of the conversation but I was enjoying listening. Before long, though, another girl pulled me away in an attempt to rescue me from the "man" conversation. Mind you it didn't bother me to actually get involved in a conversation with her and some other girls, but the notion that just because it was smart & sciency that it was for the males was annoying to me. Anyhow, I guess all that just to say that even though I hide it quite well behind this air of coolness and I'm in an industry that doesn't require an overwhelming amount of intelligence (quite the opposite it often seems), I am in fact quite the nerd.
And speaking of the nerddom, I had a delightful conversation with my sister yesterday about one of the greatest PBS shows ever, Square One TV. Sadly, I have found no one else who shares our love for it. For those of you who don't know it was a show that taught math through songs and sketches and such. Think SNL only cleaner and about math. So fun. The point of that is I was able to find a website that has one of my favorite songs ever. If anyone cares, go here. (You'll have to have Real Player, sorry.)
It has been quite a great week in the blogverse for me. Not only did I find out that my readership is bigger than I knew - thanks for reading & commenting carrie n becky. :) But I finally got the url for Steve's blog. For quite some time I have been enjoying Steve's comments on Matt's blog (Matt and Steve are friends of Galen), but his profile isn't public so I have been unable to find his blog. But now I have it thanks to Galen and am quite enjoying it so far. And another bonus, almost every blog I read (with the exception of Zach Braff's and Steph's) was updated within the last couple of days, so that's happy. :)
Well, that'll about do it for the nerdfest and linkfest. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Going to the Getty tomorrow after church for a picnic with some girls, should be a good time! :)
"When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of algebra."
- Gene Yasenak
No doubt I saved it because I am amused by it, but truth be told thinking of algebra doesn't deter me from wanting to return to youth. Now, I don't often wish that I were in middle school again, but certainly not for reasons at all related to algebra. Quite the opposite really. Thinking about algebra sort of almost makes me want to return to youth, to a time when I loved math and people actually respected me for my intelligence. Not to say that I'm the most intelligent person in the world or that it's that big of a deal to me, but I feel like now no one has any idea that I'm pretty smart. It's just kinda weird for me. I was at a party probably about a month ago now, and some of the guys were talking about science and various other nerd crap and I was not an active participant of the conversation but I was enjoying listening. Before long, though, another girl pulled me away in an attempt to rescue me from the "man" conversation. Mind you it didn't bother me to actually get involved in a conversation with her and some other girls, but the notion that just because it was smart & sciency that it was for the males was annoying to me. Anyhow, I guess all that just to say that even though I hide it quite well behind this air of coolness and I'm in an industry that doesn't require an overwhelming amount of intelligence (quite the opposite it often seems), I am in fact quite the nerd.
And speaking of the nerddom, I had a delightful conversation with my sister yesterday about one of the greatest PBS shows ever, Square One TV. Sadly, I have found no one else who shares our love for it. For those of you who don't know it was a show that taught math through songs and sketches and such. Think SNL only cleaner and about math. So fun. The point of that is I was able to find a website that has one of my favorite songs ever. If anyone cares, go here. (You'll have to have Real Player, sorry.)
It has been quite a great week in the blogverse for me. Not only did I find out that my readership is bigger than I knew - thanks for reading & commenting carrie n becky. :) But I finally got the url for Steve's blog. For quite some time I have been enjoying Steve's comments on Matt's blog (Matt and Steve are friends of Galen), but his profile isn't public so I have been unable to find his blog. But now I have it thanks to Galen and am quite enjoying it so far. And another bonus, almost every blog I read (with the exception of Zach Braff's and Steph's) was updated within the last couple of days, so that's happy. :)
Well, that'll about do it for the nerdfest and linkfest. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Going to the Getty tomorrow after church for a picnic with some girls, should be a good time! :)
Shauna, you do hide your nerd side quite well, possibly it is your infinite coolness that makes it work so well. :)