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it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aye me heartys ye read that rightly, be ye warned those found to be not speakin' in the way of a pirate shall be takin' a trip to Davy Jones' Locker. Savvy?

Barring any further bouts of amnesia or cloning or kryptonite or time travel or . . . wait a minute . . . umm scratch that, start over.

Barring any further bouts of internet troubles, I promise to post new songs this evening. It'll probably be around 7 PDT, so if you check before that don't be thinking that stupid Azina didn't post songs AGAIN. Though, if you check after that and there's still no songs, you're welcome to think that. ;)

Set your watches and your DVRs and your VCRs (if you're still in the dark ages like me, woohoo dark ages!). Arrested Development premieres tonight at 8/7 central! Now in some sort of strange move very contradictory to the normal behavior of television exec's, Fox actually renewed this show for its 3rd season, which means you kids need to start watching it, especially if you have one of those fabled Nielsen boxes that I think are actually less likely to exist than Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and leprechauns.

Have fun and well you know, watch for flying monkeys. (Which I think are also more likely to exist than Nielsen boxes.)


raj said…
so 7 PDT - is that pacific or pirate daylight time?

don't judge me.
Pete said…
I love Pirates. Pot Luck Wednesday!!! come out!!!! can you? i sure hope so...we can't do it this weekend but if you can't make it i promise to have more soon.
Galen said…
what, exactly, is this "Nielsen Box"?

I am... wary, yours, etc.
aziner said…
Raj, lol that's pirate time for sure, mostly because I figure that I can arbitrarily decide what exactly pirate time is, so who really knows when 7 PDT might be?

Pieter, hmm sadly I don't think Wednesday is going to happen. I'm sorry. We will come see you though, in the nearish future, but it will need to be on a weekend sometime.

Galen, a Nielsen box is supposedly this little box attached to the televisions of a sample of the population that records what people watch and then sends the information to Nielsen Media who then compile the ratings. Ratings determine how much an advertiser will pay to put a commercial on during a certain program. Programs that don't have very high ratings are not attractive to advertisers and therefore do not bring in money for the network and then get cancelled. I could write a whole paper on the troubles with the ratings system, but I will wrap it up with this, obviously ratings boxes are not in every home, the reason I don't believe they actually exist is because I've never met anyone who has one. Nor have I met anyone who knows of a friend's paperboy's grandmother's neighbor's second cousin who has one. Granted, the people who do are not technically supposed to say that they do, but I still think they are a myth.
In awe of You said…
So i once heard this joke...a pirate walks into a bar with a sailboat steering wheel in his pants... the bar tender asks him 'why do you have a steering wheel in your pants?' the pirate replys, "Arrrgg... it Drives Me nutz!!!"

So ye be warned, if ye starts to make fun of me lamo joke, ye shall receive therty Lashes with the cat of nine tails.. then will be thrown into the boo box!!!!
Galen said…
Ok, if the Nielsen boxes are inside the TV how would anyone know they were there? And if you knew it was there, wouldn't that be considered bias? And if you it was there, why would it matter if anyone else knew, since its your TV and not your Aunt's paperboy's? And if it is there, I want it taken away, cause Mr. Nielsen is invading my privacy. I like to watch BBC, so call me Unamerican and lock me up in Guantanamo. I'm not afraid of you, Big Brother Nielsen. It's not a myth! I just saw a unicorn.