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(pretend the turkey is dancing)

Woo! It's the two weeks til Thanksgiving dance! :)


Unknown said…
i am doing that same dance, i wonder how he knows me two weeks til thanksgiving dance? Aziner are you selling my secrets? :)

Unknown said…
or should i stop talking like a pirate and say, i wonder how he knows MY two weeks to thanksgiving dance...

yeah i sure did go to college

Ashlee Liddell said…
I am a little disappointed that the Turkey is not actually dancing. I mean, afterall, with the penguins you set the bar pretty high...

Thanks for making me smile...I always enjoy visiting your blog!!!
Tmproff said…
I can't believe I actually wasted 20 mins looking for a dancing turkey...but I did come across this one website...this guy is SERIOUS about animated turkey dancing!
Tmproff said…
Hmmm the post isn't working....just search for turkey on that website :P
aziner said…
Haha talking like a pirate is the coolest! And yes I'm selling your secrets. ;)

Originally the turkey was animated, but when I put it up here after several valiant attempts it simply wouldn't work, so I figured pretending it was dancing was almost as good. :)

Thanks Ashlee I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I enjoy yours as well, it always makes me think & I love the stories about your kids. :)

Tmproff, don't feel bad I spent a good deal of my time at work yesterday looking for one & trying to get it to work on my blog. Ah how I love that the many slow days at my job allow me to do things like that. :)
Ms. McGowan said…
Hi Shauna,

I can't stand it any longer. Why the random letters? Mocking tmproff? Recording your word verification? Ease my troubled mind:)
aziner said…
And now that link is not working. Sorry no dancing turkeys for anyone now. Gotta go back to using our imaginations. :)
Unknown said…
Hehe, everyone should enjoy the pleasure of word verification Sherry! :)
