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Dear Quizno's,

Please note that "no lettuce" is not as remarkably similar to "as much lettuce as can possibly be piled upon my sandwich" as some of your fine workers might think. I just thought I would let you know that. Thank you for the nice toasty sandwiches you make.




aziner said…
99% of the time Quizno's gets it right, not sure what the trouble was yesterday though. While I do enjoy Subway, I feel their toasty sandwiches are a blatant rip off of Quizno's and really I just can't stand for that. ;)
MRJ said…
i was briefly anti-subway because their sandwiches started shrinking and anti-quiznos because it wasn't familiar,but alas i am relieved to report that the small sandwich syndrome is confined to Cheney area subways.

Um the point of to say that subway rocks my socks off.

and if they get your order wrong you might get both sandwiches. "and chet reaches for the lettuce and o no! that's gonna be a bad call aaaaand WHAMMY!" And WHAMMY! again for a double whammy!"

that's what that is.