This whole reaching 300 posts by the end of the year would be a whole lot easier if I didn't have 27 drafts of posts that I had started writing but never finished. I have 3 from the past 2 days even. Crazy. One of those will for sure be finished and hopefully a second one. The 3rd has lost any potential relevance and will therefore waste away in the unlov-ed drafts section. As for the rest of the 27, they too will likely suffer a sad and drafty existence, their potential never to be fully realized. A lucky few may escape such a tragic state, but the odds are not in their favor. And yes this counts as a legitimate post in the race toward 300. Don't worry I shall write a much more substantial post later in response to Amber's comment on the Valentine's date post. It'll be good I assure you. :)
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson