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good night, strange dreams

Tonight I went to the women's Bible study at my church for the first time. I loved it! I already can't wait for next Wednesday. This is very exciting for me! Our table leader is wonderful. I have friends my age there. A girl I went to college with in Iowa was there. And an amazing woman leads the whole thing. I'm so stoked about this I can hardly contain myself! :) I called my mom on the way home from it tonight because I just had to tell someone how great it was. She was very happy for me. It's great to be at the place where I can talk to my mom as a fellow adult. That's one of the very cool things about growing up. :)

So very strange dream last night, there were all these people who had superpowers and I was part of some government agency and we were trying to discern who were the heroes of the group and who were the villains. I started dating a guy named Adam who it turned out had these powers and I was fairly certain he was good, but then he was secretly fighting the bad guys but I didn't know what was going on just that he kept sneaking off. And then I started questioning him and wouldn't let him leave and I kept telling him he had to get Jack Bauer on the phone. (I don't even watch 24.) But he just keep telling me that Jack was dead & that I knew it. And I told Adam that I didn't believe Jack was dead and that he probably knew where Jack was. Finally I left and somehow I discovered that Adam had been telling the truth the whole time and that he really was one of the good guys. When I went back to apologize, he had cleared out his apartment and was gone. I couldn't find him anywhere. That's how it all ended. I realize this would be very easy to psychoanalyze, but I don't think dreams are usually anything more than random junk floating around your head. So the moral of the story is, if you find yourself dating a superhero & you question his integrity he'll probably run off and leave like a pansy. ;P


Ashlee Liddell said…
Thus why i am single...i have questioned the superhero powers of my former boyfriends one too many times....

You DON'T watch 24??????

Glad Bible study was wonderful...I love it when the body is doing its thing...
aziner said…
Though, you know I figure that any guy worth beans can't be scared off THAT easily, so it's probably best that the weak ones run away.

I don't watch 24, I have seen several episodes & the story is interesting, it just moves too slowly for me, which is odd since I also think there is no way all that stuff could happen to one guy in one day.
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a freaky episode of Alias to me!
joser said…
It's probably because you kept falling ASLEEP while we were watching 24 downstairs. Your subconscious mind is luring you back to the show... "Come on, lady, you know you want to..."

I am a little bored today because I left my copy of Timeline at home, so I am reading everyone's blog.

By the way, I have started trying to define the random word verification items for sport. (Did I mention the boredom?) I am truly perplexed by awnkeum... I think it is the noise that a duck makes right before flying into a wind farm.