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Monday Monday, so good to me

So hard to describe yesterday, I was torn between the title I picked (props if you can name the band without cheating) and Manic Monday (name the band = props again, still no cheating). Overall it was a good day, thus the title I went with. First of all, I got a comment from Joe (the brother-in-law) so I feel very special about that since he either rarely enters the blogverse or he is a lurker extraordinaire. I'm very amused about awnkeum and shall and it to my vernacular, you know in case I ever have the need to talk about the noise a duck makes right before flying into a wind farm. Which uhh, what is a wind farm?

Onto other events of the day, we have a friend staying with us right now and she had gone down to the garage to get something out of Nicole's car but when she tried to get back into the building the key broke off in the door. Thankfully it broke in the unlock position. I was asleep at the time, but later in the day when I found out I offered to get new keys made which was actually good because then I finally made a spare key for my car. Two years I've had this car & no spare key, but now I have the comfort of knowing that if I lock the keys in the car I'm covered, which I haven't actually done in some amount of time over 2 years, but it's always good to have a back up.

At 5:30 yesterday I heard from my boss for the first time all day at which point he asked me to have a pitch letter written up by 11:00 this morning for a script we are in preproduction on. I hadn't read the script yet, so that presented a bit of a challenge especially seeing as I had plans for last night . . .

Enter a new Monday night tradition - karaoke! Fun times. But we were out until 2 am, which presented a problem seeing as I planned on reading the script after getting home. Instead I decided to go to bed and do it in the morning & though I got up later than planned, I managed to get the script read and the pitch written on time. And then my boss only had me do one revision which is pretty darn good if you ask me.

Crazy day, but wicked fun. :)

And now I'm ready for Taco Tuesday/Gilmore Girls and a slightly earlier bedtime.


Amber said…
Okay, here goes. The title song is by The Mamas and the Papas (and if that's not right, my second guess is Peter Paul & Mary). And Manic Monday is tougher for me (sad, I know), and I'm torn between Cyndi Lauper and Madonna. (I know, that sounds weird, but they're just linked in my head - it's a strange childhood thing.)

I am glad that you had a good Monday, and I'm glad that you are enjoying life! :) And of course, Tuesdays can't be bad with a new Gilmore Girls...
aziner said…
You're first guess is right on the first one, nice going. The second one not so much, but I can see how those two are linked in your head as they are in mine as well.

I'm such a failure! I forgot to mention several other great things that happened on Monday!
~ talking to Alaina & wishing her a happy 3rd birthday
~talking to Amber, though that is not a rare occurrence
~ getting the Omaha pictures emailed to me that I requested from Amber, will post one or two soon probably
~ getting my Johnny Cash cds in the mail! which I have brought with me to work and shall be listening to the first one forthwith! :D

And yes I will have to call you to see what you thought about GG last night, I quite enjoyed it for the most part.
joser said…
The former is the most accurate. I have been endeavoring to read these more often, but finding the time can be difficult. That and the fact that my life is stupendously un-newsworthy are the reasons why I have not tried my hand at this whole Doogie-esque experience.

BTW, the blogspot people are obviously on to me (who told?) because I was presented with pxntxbwv, which (as we all know) is a word known only to Jadyn.
joser said…
okay, so I just learned quite possibly the neatest technical thing I have learned in a while. RSS feeds are the bomb.

I post this here because Aziner has not turned them on for her blog and because ber hasn't posted in a month now so I am sure no one goes there anymore (man, I'm gonna get heat for that one at home, pray for me).

Anyway, so a website can set a dynamic bookmark that changes depending on the present content. I know everyone is rolling their eyes because they have known this for years, but I have never played with Firefox, and IE6 doesn't support them, so I had no idea they existed. Very cool.

I love learning new things. Especially technology based things.
aziner said…
Oh dear Joe, you have missed the RSS debate that I believe took place back in December. The reason I have not turned on RSS feeds is that occasionally I will post something and then decide to change it or take it down. I like to have a brief window where it is likely that I am the only one to know something new has been posted to my blog in case I need to make a change for some reason. I do not wish for everyone to know the second I post something. Plus, I generally post frequently enough that it's not unreasonable to expect people to check my blog every day to every other day. (The past couple of weeks not withstanding.) And if you're using Firefox you can just do what I do & keep a folder of all the blogs you wish to visit and simply open them in tabs and quickly click through and see which ones have been updated.

If you click refresh when you go to leave a comment you will be presented with a new, possibly definable word. I occasionally refresh just to get a shorter one as some are freakishly too long for my liking.

And btw, even though her infrequent blogging has put her top billing on my blog at risk, I still check Amber's blog every day. It should be noted that while I am a master at passive-aggression and manipulation, this in fact is not a backhanded way of asking Amber to write something new as I have actually commented on her blog & emailed her in a straightforward fashion telling her of my wishes to see something new appear there. Plus, let's be honest I am good enough at manipulating people that were I actually trying to accomplish that here it would be so subtle it wouldn't even cross your mind that that's what I was trying to do. ;)

qvdpartu - such a strong desire to visit India that it overcomes the sickly feeling you get when you remember how unholy the kazillion hour long flight is
raj said…
I really have nothing comment-worthy except that I had to cheat to discover that Manic Monday was performed by The Bangles. I was with Amber on the Madonna thing. That said, welcome to the rabbit hole world of blogging, Joe. You can kiss your workday productivity goodbye.

That being said, my real reason for commenting was my word verification definition. Eihlbcr is the unintelligible expression of sentiment that one utters when faced with returning a phone call that will be awkward, will take a long time, or will only bear bad news. It is the slurred/grunted combination of the words, "eh, I'll call back later".
aziner said…
Cheater McCheat-a-lot. :P But yes you are correct.

lol about the work day productivity thing & your word verification. :)