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2006: a blogging year in review

This takes the first sentence from the first post of each month for a fun little end of the year blog.

Jan~ 2006.
Feb~ Welcome to my favorite month of the year. :)
Mar~ Monday we had torrential downpour which was lovely until I tried to drive home from work through streets that had morphed into streams.
Apr~ I have decided that I don't want to blog anymore.
May~ Spend more than about 5 seconds in a conversation about relationships and it's bound to dissolve into, "boys suck" and/or "girls suck" depending on the genders represented in the discussion.
Jun~ I don't have much to say right now.
Jul~ I got a call this afternoon from my dad that my Uncle OP (from India) had passed away last night.
Aug~ There are some really great things about being an adult.
Sep~ For all the melodies and choruses in the world, all the songs ever written, all the music about this earth, there is no greater sound than hearing a small child say your name.
Oct~ I need a change.
Nov~ I realize I have been rather delinquent in posting of late.
Dec~ Jared Robert Routhier
born 11-30-2006
10 lbs. 13 oz.
22 3/4"
and every bit as adorable as you would expect

Well there you go, a brief summary of 2006. Despite the fact that I blogged way less this year than last, I think this covers a lot of the major events of the year.


raj said…
Year in review blogs are like flashback episodes. They just make your audience violent. I, on the other hand, have been producing original content at an alarming rate. What up?

Speaking of What up, you should join the "I miss Craig Kilborn like the desert misses the rain" group on facebook. You KNOW I did.
Anonymous said…
I like a year in review...
aziner said…
okay Mr. Alarming Rate, how about you get a smokeachino and calm down. ;P Even with my utter blog slackery this year, I've still written nearly 3 times as many posts as you.

Thanks Shanelle, I like a year in review too. :)
raj said…
finishing strong is better than playing for the first three quarters. besides, four of your last five posts are a year in review, photos, and a to-do list.

if you do the math, 61 posts - (61 x 80 percent crap) = 12 good blogs.
21 - (21 x 20 percent crap) = 17 good blogs. and really, 20 percent crap for my blog is a little high.

the numbers don't lie.
Pete said…
Excellent....I wish I had a sibling to rival with. My sister doesn't blog much...
Pete said…
Hope you're doing great Azina