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it's coming . . .

Shark Week! (It starts Sunday July 29th for those interested.)

I think this is the first time in my life I've actually had cable during Shark Week. I'm very excited. It's odd I realize seeing as I have an unnatural fear of sharks to the extent that every time I think maybe I want to try surfing the Jaws theme begins playing in my head and images of gnashing teeth and torn limbs and blood-filled water flash in my mind. (Note to parents: don't let children watch Jaws 3 before they're even old enough for kindergarten.) And yet I find them oddly fascinating even though I will be no doubt freaked out by a lot of the programming during Shark Week as I always am by that sort of thing.

I'm weird. I know.


Keith said…
Hawaiians believe the shark to hold unnatural spiritual power. the niho-niho triangles running down the outside of my leg tattoo.... shark teeth for protection. There are a lot of myths about them, too, some of which are really awesome... others would probably try your fear.

At any rate, I love Shark Week!!!
raj said…
I too am excited for my first year with cable for Shark Week. The kick-off program about that ship in WWII looks particularly engaging.

qczotc - how a shark might characterize your love-hate relationship with his species (note, it's trying to say "quixotic," but can't enunciate with your leg in its mouth)
aziner said…
haha Raj that was awesome! (not sure quixotic actually fits, in fact I don't think it does, but it was still hilarious!)

I agree the WWII really piqued my interested. Looking forward to Sunday.

Keith, thank you for sharing some of the Hawaiian mythology regarding sharks. It is very interesting, though they are definitely still scary.
raj said…
all this talk, and I totally missed the kick-off last night. d'oh!