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is it winter yet??

This is something I've been working on for over a month. I'm not sure this is finished nor am I sure I will have anything to add to it at any point, so I figured I might as well share it now. I'm so over summer & these 100+ temps. :P

snow whispers white
in pine, ash, and birch
fingertips of frozen boughs
dangle with icicles
wintry ornaments
gently clanging--
nature's wind chimes

above their song
a new melody rises
lilting laughter--
lighthearted children
experience wonder,
imprints of angels
grace earth's canvas


Keith said…
I very much like the "nature's wind chimes." Funny that we both put up seasonal poetry today.
aziner said…
thanks :)

haha well I was inspired by your autumnal poetry to finally post this
sherry said…
Us northern folks are not being spared this time! My goodness. I couldn't wait to strip down to shorts and a T-shirt after work today!! We even have a "spare the air" day tomorrow.

Your poem reminds me of Frost's "Birches."
Keith said…
Sherry, I knew I had read "Birches" previously, but decided to give it another once-over. I get that Azina off-handedly mentions them, but I don't see the resemblance any further, except perhaps that they are bent over with the weight of snow. What reminded you of it? (I am not being sarcastic; I am really curious.)
Anonymous said…
The bent birches and the mention of childhood/innocence reminded me of the "Birches."
Anonymous said…