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now I'm committed...

or perhaps I should be. I bought a turkey yesterday. A 15 lb. frozen Butterball turkey. As has become tradition, Nicole & I are hosting Thanksgiving at our apartment for friends, acquaintances, amiable passersby, etc. who need a place to go for the holiday. In the past we have utilized the aid of Marie Callender's and ordered a pre-cooked turkey. But not so this year. Due to rising costs at good ol' MC's and perhaps a little crack smoking, I've decided that this year we will make the turkey ourselves. And now that a turkey is sitting in the freezer there's no going back. While the thought is slightly daunting, I have enough confidence in my culinary skills not to be paralyzed with fear at the notion, but I'm not so confident that I will be felled by my hubris. (Hopefully.) The next week and a half will be spent watching all kinds of turkey tips on the Food Network, soaking up all the info I can find online, and perhaps cooking a test chicken to try out the recipe. I'll let you know how it all turns out.


sherry said…
Oooh...I'm so proud of you! Let me know how it goes! I love your Thanksgiving tradition:)
Keith said…
Woo-hoo! Turkey! Seriously, I am sure that your turkey will be far and away better than anything store bought!
Ms. McGowan said…
My thoughts exactly :)