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the jig is up!

Uggh this presidential race/oil prices/democratic hornswaggle get more frustrating by the minute! Here are some facts for your viewing pleasure.

  1. In the first 6 years of the Bush administration gas prices went up by about 50%.
  2. Since Democrats took control of Congress 1.5 years ago (or 1/4 of 6 years), gas prices have gone up by MORE THAN 200%. They've doubled!
  3. What's better is that without fail time after time after time, 9 of 10 Republicans have voted FOR measures that have the potential of easing the oil strain without being environmentally irresponsible.
  4. At the same time without fail 9 of 10 Democrats have voted against these measures. Despite making promises in their run for Congress in 2006 to do something about gas prices. Back then gas was comfortably (though somewhat frustratingly) in the low $2's. Now we're looking at $5 nationwide within the next 3 weeks with no end in sight.
  5. YET they seek to blame Bush and the Republicans. I'm not exonerating anyone, but how about you make an effort instead of just pointing fingers?
  6. How about we make use of our own oil resources here that would provide an oil source for at least 30 years that is as great as the source in Saudi Arabia? China's already making use of our resources, they're drilling 60 miles off the coast of Florida and we're doing NOTHING about it. We haven't stopped them nor are we benefiting from it!
  7. I'm as frustrated as the next person about oil companies big profits, but get this the government makes 15% of the cost of every gallon of gas while oil companies make only 4%.
  8. Obama has promised to pass windfall profit taxes on oil companies should he get elected. The last time this was tried was by Jimmy Carter who is widely considered by people in both parties to be one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. Oh and it didn't work! Besides, since when is America a country that taxes you for being successful?
  9. Speaking of taxes, he's not going to end with the oil companies. Taxes will be raised on EVERYONE. I don't know about you, but I surely can't afford that. Plus history has shown time and time again that tax cuts are the way to reverse economic slowdown, not increases. But hey the Democrats need money from somewhere to pay for all that big government they want, might as well be from your pocket, right?
  10. Maybe it should be from the pocket of the wealthy? Don't worry the Dems are chattering about that too. The rich should pay their fair share right? Well listen to this then, the top 10% of earners pay about 90% of the country's total for taxes. (Okay these numbers may be slightly off, all others here are straight up.) But you get the point, they pay their percentage and because they earn so much more their percentage is A LOT bigger than the rest of ours. But that doesn't mean they should be punished extra for it. Again that's fantastically anti-American. This country was founded because people got sick of unfair taxation. Sure it was about taxation without representation, but I doubt that the principals and ideals that were borne in the days of throwing tea into the river would condone these ridiculous acts.
  11. Bush has spent a lot of money and the national debt is huge, but keep in mind that the budget under Clinton only faired so well because a Republican Congress held out, even shut down, until he was forced to pass a responsible budget. Though national security and oil prices were only in the back of people's minds then, so while it can be more than argued that Bush hasn't been the best president, he's also had a lot more on his plate that previous presidents.
I could go on and on, but again the point of all of this is, please be informed. On gas prices, the Democrats are just playing hardball right now to punish Bush. Sad thing is they're punishing the people whose votes they covet this fall. But they're hoping you won't be informed about that. At any rate, again I urge you to do your research. There's a lot of truth out there and you're not likely to find it in the mainstream media, but if you dig deep you'll find enough information to make a reasonable decision this fall.

Alright, I'm off to put my soapbox away. ;)
