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in a strange way

I kinda like that my God doesn't do things the way we expect. For instance in a strange way I'm learning more about love through a breakup than I think I ever have in my life. I'm learning that though I shut out my family for the most part over the past year, they are still here for me in my toughest time. And I'm learning that love can mean making a selfless decision that hurts you and isn't what you want, but it's what you do because you're trying to look out for someone else. And I'm learning that love means not warring against someone who made a tough decision that ended up hurting both of you. And it means an abiding hope that God can work things out at the appointed time and if you really are supposed to be with someone time & space & distance matter not. I'm learning that it means accepting a circumstance for what it is and seeking growth & peace & friendship until such time that God brings you to one another again, should he see fit to do so. And it means grace, overwhelmingly abundant amounts grace that can only come about from God going before you and in you and through you. And it means still seeking the best for another person even while things aren't quite as you imagined.

Life is tough right now, but what they say about what doesn't kill you makes you stronger is entirely true. I am filled with strength that can only come from God. And I'm finding shalom is returning even though things still are not as I think they really should be. But I'm hoping that in this time there will be much growth and healing and that in the end what comes out of it will be better than I have yet dared to imagine. Continued prayers are much appreciated. I have no idea how long this journey will take, but I'm confident that amazing things, hoped for things, dreamt of things are to be rediscovered along this path.


Val. said…
oh I was hoping the track was posted here so you could stream it but alas no :/ perhaps after the album drops...I wandered over here from Shelly's blog. :) ~Val.
aziner said…
thanks for wandering by :)