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things men probably need to know about women

...because apparently they don't.

So many conflicting reports are swirling around out there about guys:
Guys are dumb.
Guys are smarter than they let on.
Guys like attention even from a girl in whom they have no interest.
Guys don't know when a girl likes them.
Guys know when a girl is into them.
Even if a guy knows he'll often play dumb; it's an easy out.

What's the truth? And who's going to invent the decoder ring to help us figure it out?? Actually scrap the decoder, I'm done trying to figure it out. 1) because I'm waiting for a guy whose signals I don't have to read, who will have the courage just to come right out & ask me on a date. and 2) because I think the truth tends to lie much closer toward the "guys are smarter than they let on" end of the spectrum than anywhere else and that should, and does as far as I'm concerned, require them to take on a little more responsibility. If you think a girl might be interested & the feeling isn't mutual, don't lead her on! I know, it makes your ego purr, but consider putting someone else's heart ahead of your ego trip.

In order to help, I'm going to share with the guys several situations that are sure to mess with a woman's head. This is for prevention, not for instruction mind you!

As it is already quite late I will give you the first situation of the series tonight. More to follow.

1. sharing a really great song with her

Okay, you like music, she likes music, you want to play a song for her. It's nice to play cool new tunes for a friend, right? Wrong bucko. Unless you have a VERY clearly established friendship with her (you probably don't) and a long history of sharing all kinds of music back & forth with her (maybe you do) then you need to screen those lyrics. If there's a tiny hint of a line that might have a notion of being romantic when it grows up, stop right there. A girl's heart will latch onto that bit, and think "does he like me? of course he likes me. he wouldn't stare into my eyes and play that song for me if there wasn't something there, right?

Yes, guys do that, they stare in your eyes and play something that you don't even have to stretch to make romantic. Guys plural have done that to girls plural with no emotion to back it up. I wish I was kidding. Alright so maybe you aren't always staring into her eyes, maybe you just told her about it in a email, but still she'll listen to it & she'll think about you & she'll think about you listening to it & thinking about her, being reminded of her & needing to share it with her. So please just consider the lyrics first. If you need help, ask a female friend for advice on possible miscontrual. Sometimes sharing isn't caring.

So when it comes down
You'll know
I'm with you
How could I show you?
It feels good to know
It feels good to know you

Those lyrics for instance are not shareable. Don't do it. I'm serious. No, really.

Okay, that's it for the first installment. Stay tuned for more. Goodnight all!
