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a glimmer of independent thought

I love books. Those of you who know me well may be puzzled by that statement as I am by no means an avid reader. But I like actual physical books. I like the pages, underlining passages that strike or inspire me, the scent, pressing flowers between the pages, and rediscovering old photos or scraps of paper used as bookmarks. So as you might imagine, I was by no means an early adopter when the Kindle hit the scene. (For all intents and purposes, the Kindle is the only e-reader that exists or needs to exist in my world.)

Sure, the e-ink is impressive, and the ability to carry a gazillion books without lugging around a giant suitcase is convenient. It's just not the same though, and a Kindle library is by no means as lovely as a shelf-full of books. But at some point it struck me how very Star Trek this device is. I remember growing up and watching The Next Generation, and they had these small little tablets that they read books or plays on. I always thought it was cool and crazy that books in the future might be like that. Little did I realize that future would be happening in my lifetime! And suddenly, while I still love books, the nerd in me had a new found appreciation for these devices.

Then last year the Kindle Fire was introduced, and I was convinced that I needed to have one. It was the perfect device. I put it on my Amazon wishlist and began to plan saving up for one. The more I thought about it, though I realized that my "need" for a Kindle was to read more. I love reading. Despite how little I actually do it, I enjoy wandering about the Shire or being challenged by theological insight or pondering more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in my philosophy.

So as I considered it further, I realized that a Kindle Fire would not help me read more as I would certainly be too easily distracted by all of the other shiny possibilities on the device. If I got a Kindle, what I really needed was a regular one designed for reading and not loaded with distractions. I shared all of these long thought-out ramblings with my sister and my friend Ashlee, and for my birthday they and their 30 Rock co-conspirators gifted me with a Kindle in a pretty red leather case. I'm so excited! And I feel very Star Trek. :)

Currently on my reading list are Mere Christianity and The Hunger Games series. Let me know if you have any other recommendations!


Anonymous said…
YAY! I have been aquiring any of the free kindle books that sound remotely entertaining. On my list is "kisses from Katie" but I am not allowed to purchase a book until I finish one of the two I am currently reading... me, the one who can't log in to her blogger account. ugh.
aziner said…
Thanks for the suggestions! I do love that there are so many free options.