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Eternal vigilance

For many people the election ends today and they will go back to their normal lives and a "normal" amount of politics, which seems to be little or none for most.  But for a political nerd, this is just our biggest holiday.  Imagine if Christmas came once every 4 years.  In between there are smaller holidays, other elections, but this is the big one.

The thing is, after today the election isn't over for us.  Whoever wins, we still work, we still fight, we still pray.  Winning an election is only part of it for us, even if our preferred candidate comes out on top.  The most important work happens next--keeping candidates, especially the ones who earned our votes, accountable.

After today we stay immersed in political news everyday.  We listen to talk radio, we read as much as we can possibly get our hands on, we catch the highlights on Twitter, and we know what the MSM isn't reporting.

For political nerds, today is a highlight (hopefully), but nothing really ends for us today, except maybe a little extra anxiety.  After today we still call senators and we sometimes yell at C-SPAN like it's the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, and the ump just blew a call.  We stay passionate, we still have things to accomplish.  With the voting over we will be able to focus on other things, but we're still at work.

"But you must remember, my fellow citizens, that eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty; and that you must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.  It behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in your States as well as in the Federal Government." - Andrew Jackson, Farewell Address, March 4, 1837
