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Showing posts from December, 2012

life and liberty: part 1

Like the rest of America, I was shocked and heartbroken by the events in Newtown, CT this past Friday.  The loss of such young children in such a horrific way is unfathomable.  The president addressed the nation on Friday afternoon and I did not watch, but I heard reports of people either being moved by his tears or offended that he faked crying.  Whether he was moved as a father, or faking good leadership doesn't really matter.  I have been left with the question of why these children matter more to Barack Obama than children born alive after a failed abortion.  (He voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act as a state senator in IL.)  Why do these children matter more than babies in their mother's wombs, at any point during their gestation? Others have drawn the similarity between abortion and the tragedy in Newtown, and some have been outraged by it.  How could anyone draw such a comparison?  It's simple, either you believe the lives ...

it's time to take a chance

I have been unemployed for nearly 4 months now.  That is, I have been without a full-time job for 4 months. I am still working as an Independent Scentsy Consultant, but as you might imagine that does not bring in the same sort of income as a 40 hour/week office job.  I hope to be able to grow my Scentsy business into a sustainable full-time gig, and with any luck I will not have to return to the doldrums of a job just for the sake of a paycheck. I was sitting in church this past Sunday, listening to a sermon that I felt largely disconnected from.  It was mostly directed toward parents, and as that is a joy I have yet to experience (though hopefully someday), I was not in tune with most of the message.  At one point, though, the pastor was speaking about being thankful and that he tithes because he is thankful for salvation.  Jesus paid the price to redeem us, and it costs us nothing.  Our salvation isn't dependent on our tithing, but it is something we ca...