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cheap blogging

Is it bad that I haven't really written a real post all week & have just been directing you to read things that my brother wrote? Well, in keeping with this slackery form of blogging, you should read this

That was Raj's comment in response to the To Raj With Love post & I fear that many of you probably did not see it which would be quite a shame as it is quite amusing.

Those of you who have become accustomed to reading Raj's blog thanks to my generous advertising will already know that this morning (Thursday) my new niece was born. Her name is Jadyn Ashlea Routhier. Yes, it has not escaped my attention that her initials are JAR. Anyone choosing to make fun of her or my sister & brother-in-law for choosing this will of course meet wrath the likes of which you cannot possibly imagine. You will note that her initial's are also Raj's name backwards. Here is some other interesting information regarding Jadyn. She weighed 8 lbs. 12 oz. My youngest brother, Ravi, was born on August 12, or 8/12 for those of you with the counting problems. Also, her middle name is Ashlea, my middle name is Ashley & my sister's middle name is Lea. Hmm, interesting. Still not sure if they combined our middle names in an obvious tribute to the coolest aunt ever or not. I'll get back to you on that one. So there you have it, interesting little patterns surrounding my new little niece. Also, I would like to point out that the only reason I did not post this jubilant news earlier in the day is that my brother-in-law was supposed to be sending pictures & it was my plan to wait & post when I could share a picture with all of you wonderful people. Unfortunately it seems my brother-in-law was "too busy" or something to do such a simple little task. Ha, silly how I wrote out brother-in-law 12 times instead of just telling you his name is Joe and referring to him as that which is clearly much shorter to type out.

In other news, please continue to pray for Tommy. From what I understand he continues to improve, but he is not out of the woods yet. Of course if it's me, I'm thinking a trip to the woods when you're way sick is probably not a good plan, but I'm old fashioned that way. Please notice that I am not making light of Tommy's illness as it is a way serious thing. I'm simply making fun of silly phrases like "out of the woods." Ah, expressions how fun and useless you can be.

I'm currently rocking it old school with a little Oasis. Good times. Have a happy Friday everyone!


Pete said…
I'm not going to lie. I think you (and your brother) are both hilarious and I hope that if you ever stop blogging, I will at least receieve hilarious emails from you still.
aziner said…
Thanks, Pieter. That's really nice of you to say. I strive for excellence, but when that fails as it often seems to we're left with whatever random ass things you find here. As long as people are reading I plan to continue blogging, but should the sad day ever come when my 2.7 readers leave me I will be forced to send nonsensical emails to whatever unsuspecting friend hasn't relegated me to their junk mail folder, so be warned. ;)