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I wanted to write a poem
but I can't think straight
I was going to post and old one
but blogger screwed up the formatting
the formatting wasn't that important
but I liked it
so now you can't read it
blame blogger

I hate Beverly Hills
I had to go there today
everyone drove meanly
it's the kind of place where all that is good and beautiful goes to die
it's a sad place where people try to fill their happiness
with $5000 shoes and $300 tshirts
if only they knew the girl in the old blue Neon
that hasn't had a car wash in a year
(whom they look down upon because her entire outfit cost less than their ugly little dog's collar)
has found something they could never buy and is greater than anything they'd ever find on Rodeo Drive
I don't mean to be cheesy
I hate cheese, in writing
on Dharma and Greg once they played a game called cheese
you had to go through and name cheeses
the first person who couldn't come up with one would lose
I always thought that would be a fun game to play
I'm such a nerd sometimes
I like to watch Jeopardy
it's best watched as an interactive program
I had an audition for that show
I chickened out

I have nothing more to say right now
well nothing that I can say
without explaining more about why I can't think straight
but that would be divulging more information than I care to right now

so this is random
and formatted strangely
and now I'm going to go

have a happy Friday!


raj said…
colby jack
aziner said…

(I so heart you guys for starting the cheese game on my blog!) :)
raj said…