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Showing posts from March, 2007

the hills of los angeles are burning . . .

Every once in awhile when on the phone with my parents, they'll ask me if the fire is anywhere near me. Often my response is, "what fire?" Brush fires (and fairy tales ) are just a part of life in Los Angeles . It's an every day occurrence in the summer. But usually at most you'll see a plume of smoke off in the distance. Yesterday was different. Don't worry, the fire was nowhere near where I live (for those to whom it was, no property or person was damaged), at least not physically but emotionally its proximity was practically at my doorstep. Just on the other side of the hill from where the Hollywood sign is perched is the apartment complex where I stayed when I came to LA to attend the LAFSC during my final semester of college. I lived there for 4 of the most important months of my life, and to see a fire (set by 2 idiot teenagers) encroaching on that place was sad. Cognitively I understand that my memories and experiences would remain untouched ...
From time to time I like to peruse some of the articles MSN offers on the subject of relationships to see what kind of crazy, ridiculous advice they're peddling of late (like proposing via a billboard, a very bad idea). Much to my surprise & delight they had a good bit of advice on where to take a girl on a first date: The zoo. Sure, it’s childish, but childish sometimes works. And meandering among primates provides a nice contrast to your own charms. It says, “Compared to these monkeys, I don’t throw feces.” Now some of you may be thinking, of course you think that's a good date, you've been saying that forever. And you would be right, I can't disagree when someone else stumbles upon the good sense that I've had for many a year. Nevertheless they get props for not offering a terrible suggestion and for presenting it in a humorous manner. Plus if you actually use the feces quote it will be a good gauge of the girl's appreciation and/or tolerance of poop...