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castles in the sky
collide with reality
rainbow words were spoken
in their echoes rings
a regression of hope
fading expectations
from ears unready to hear
despair yearns to claim me
and steal my faith for you
it's damaged I admit
but a resilient heart
cannot be long held down
half truths only serve
to further desire
for ardent intercession


joser said…
*insert beatnik snap-clapping here*

Keith said…
Hey Aziner, I like this. It is very pensive and has sort of a tendency toward Mertonian contemplation. (Read "New Seeds of Contemplation" if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

I found Joser's comment funny, too. But that is because of extensive study into Kerouac and all things Beat. Unfortunately, "snap-clapping" doesn't work.
aziner said…
thank you Keith. that book looks really good, I will try to pick up a copy tonight.

and just so you are in the loop, Joe aka Joser is my brother-in-law who thinks he's pretty funny. Luckily for him, he's right most of the time (save for car jokes) or he would have been ousted long before reaching permanent family member status.