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Oh God you are, you are our help
You are our helper
Through all generations you will be
Forever and ever
Our shield and our eternal hope, oh Lord
You are the Ancient of Days and worthy of our praise

I alluded to it before, but a couple of years ago when I was going through a really rough time I used to wake up with that song in my head every morning. Every morning. It was as if God was greeting me and lifting up my head. Calling to my Israelite heart, saying I brought you to this place, do you think I will leave you alone in the desert? As I got off the phone tonight with a new friend, whose presence in my life is a blessing that words fail to encompass, only a smile can suffice, that song popped into my head. Clearly (well hopefully it's clear) not out of a place of despair but this time rooted simply in praise and adoration. A couple weeks a go I had a very difficult conversation with someone I love dearly. And something was said to me that devastated my heart. Since then God has been showing up in incredible ways; building me up in so many ways through His Spirit, Word, and people. Last night at the cafe a family came up to me and thanked me for cooking and told me how much they enjoyed it and appreciated it. People I had never met before sought me out to express their gratitude. What an amazing blessing. And it's something that's just so a part of my heart, so much of who I am to cook for cafe. That time on Sunday afternoons preparing food for people at my church and doing my small part to help raise money for an orphanage in Kenya, that's when I'm the happiest. It is my favorite part of the week. And it just blows my mind how God would allow me an opportunity to share what I love with my church and on top of that turn around and use it to bless me. He's so amazing, and he's still showing up like he always has throughout all the days of this earth and for that I am thankful. For that I praise him. For that I have hope.


Keith said…
God: "How many loaves do you have?"
Azina: "Only those which you have given me."

God: "Don't you remember?"
Azina: "My God, my Israelite heart cannot forget."

God: "Did you ever lack anything?"
Azina: "Not a thing, God. Not one thing."

Az, I love this post. It warms my heart and I am happy that you have been given a song to sing in joy, that your worship comes in familiar words. Thanks for this post.
aziner said…
:) thank you

For those not in the loop, Keith is referencing the sermon from Sunday, which was fantastic. You can download it here if you're interested.
aziner said…
thank you Shauna! :)