I feel like my heart is torn in 2 right now. I sat here thinking about what I was going to post tonight. I am a little nervous about the missions trip to Mexico I will be going on this weekend, so I was going to tell you about that & ask you to pray about it. And then I thought about what I had wanted to write about earlier today which is my frustration with the immigrant protests that will be taking place on Monday. And then it hit me. Maybe it was my brain waking up. Maybe it was God knocking on my soul. I can't say for sure. What I do know is that I am about to go spend the weekend looking into the faces of children who despite their impoverished circumstances I am sure are going to have some of the biggest grins on their faces you could ever hope to see. And here I am miffed about protests taking place trying to help improve the circumstances of those who have done their best to escape that same poverty. Do I agree with their tactics, their goal to "close d...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson