So hard to describe yesterday, I was torn between the title I picked (props if you can name the band without cheating) and Manic Monday (name the band = props again, still no cheating). Overall it was a good day, thus the title I went with. First of all, I got a comment from Joe (the brother-in-law) so I feel very special about that since he either rarely enters the blogverse or he is a lurker extraordinaire. I'm very amused about awnkeum and shall and it to my vernacular, you know in case I ever have the need to talk about the noise a duck makes right before flying into a wind farm. Which uhh, what is a wind farm? Onto other events of the day, we have a friend staying with us right now and she had gone down to the garage to get something out of Nicole's car but when she tried to get back into the building the key broke off in the door. Thankfully it broke in the unlock position. I was asleep at the time, but later in the day when I found out I offered to get new keys made whi...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson