Nicole brought to my attention today an article on MSN called "A Guy's Guide to Proposing." What you will see now is the abbreviated and editorialized version of the article. (My comments in parentheses.) What fun! For some, a public display of affection is the ultimate intimate gesture. (Umm okay sure or uhh no, isn't public and intimate almost opposite of each other?) Most movie theaters will let you buy a slide that plays onscreen before the feature. You can design your own and watch as the entire theater strains to see the lucky proposee's astonished expression. (Yes which is great except if you're dating me, I'll be looking around too to see what rube decided that buying AD SPACE in front of a movie was the best way to propose. Nevermind the fact that I'm almost always the only Azina in the room.) Have your proposal painted on a billboard en route to her office. Park beneath it or await their arrival at work, armed with champagne ready for toa...
I hope your rambles have been sweet and your reveries spacious. - Emily Dickinson