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Showing posts from September, 2005

our great disservice

Last weekend one of my friends said something that I find quite troubling. First let me preface this by saying I appreciate his confidence in women, but I think his attitude points to a larger issue. He said he believed that men and women were equal and that sometimes girls think he's insensitive because he assumes they can do things for themselves and doesn't offer to help. And he said that most of the time he feels girls do things better than guys do anyway. I am not going to argue that point, I think there are some things that girls do better than guys and some things that guys do better than girls, which I guess in some way points to what I do want to argue, this equality nonsense. Now, I'm not sitting here saying that women are only good for having children and housekeeping. I'm not saying that at all. Goodness knows I know plenty of girls who are worthless when it comes to housekeeping and I know guys who keep their places immaculate. But what I am saying is that ...

with a side of blogging

Yes, I'll take a side of blogging with my lunch. "When our dreams gave way to plans, our other friends faded back into thoughts of responsibility and comfort." - our beloved Donald Miller in his first book Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance recently re-released as Through Painted Deserts . Something Galen said last night reminded me of that quote. (Just a note, I haven't really read the book yet, just a few pages, that quote just happened to be in the pages I read. I'm sure I will have lots to say once I finish it & you kids will be the first to know.) Anyway, I can't pretend that I've never chosen comfort over some crazy dream, but in general I don't believe in settling. I don't think there's anything wrong with living lives of whimsy and adventure. Of course there are responsibilities to tend to, but we are dreamers and if we stifle all our dreams then our lives become dull and grey. And I'm pretty sure that's no way to...
I like day old popcorn. And stale graham crackers. I don't like flat sheets. I like to curl up in my blankets and the top sheet never stays where it is supposed to, so I don't use them. I like the pumpkin tea lights we got at Target the other night. I like that Nicole & I are hosting Thanksgiving at our place this year for friends who don't end up going home. I hope a lot of people come, I'm very excited about it. I don't like when I can't log on to put up new songs, but I do like that tonight that wasn't the case. I like the two songs I added. They happen to be 2 of my favorites ever. Been feeling the Jars of Clay love this week. The first song reminds me riding in the car with my sister on snowy days to high school, probably because it is on the Drummer Boy EP. The second song is just beautiful, sad but beautiful. I don't like Garret, so I sent ninjas to attack him. I'm kidding Garret. I only sent one ninja, if he brought buddies it...

aww she's your lobster

Mmm it was a good weekend. I sit here watching Gilmore Girls from last Tuesday (again) hoping to purge from my mind the episode of Crossing Jordan we just watched. It was a fantastic season premiere, but creepy as all get out. Wow. Smart in the way that Se7en is a brilliant film and similarly creepy. But Nicole and I were smart enough to figure it out, so that's good. Anyway, it has been a little while since I've graced you all with my presence here. :P I feel this is a good time to point out to any of you who haven't been around long or who don't know me or whatever that I'm actually not that full of myself, I'm just a bit cheeky. ;) So yesterday I followed this trail of articles: The Cost of Delaying Marriage Defending the Cost of Delaying Marriage Pray Boldly Finding a Husband Pulling a Ruth, Part 1 Pulling Ruth, Part 2 Now, I realize that is a good deal of reading and I only put that list there in case you're interested in following it. But rea...

penguin speak

The most annoying thing I read today, "It seems as though there are no intelligent, fun-loving and moral girls available. Anywhere." Okay, even not speaking about myself, though I hope people see those things as true of me, I know plenty of girls who are intelligent, fun-loving, moral AND available. Not to mention a million other wonderful things about them. So umm possibly it would help to be looking for available girls somewhere other than a cave. Just a thought. For your convenience, here is a list of places probably not suitable for finding intelligent, fun-loving, moral, available girls. (Note: this is a sweeping generalization, there may be exceptional circumstances in which you meet the right girl in one of these locations.) - Antarctica (possibly you might meet the right girl here, but you're actually more likely to learn to communicate with penguins, which sounds fun now that you mention it . . .) - the middle of the ocean (you might meet some cute pirate chicks ...
Songs are up and just in the nick of time! 7:00 pirate time is in 12 minutes. Wahoo for arbitrary time zones! Umm okay there are 4 songs. There's your surprise, sort of to make up for last week. The actual surprise was supposed to be a video, but that was being uncooperative, so maybe next week. I do realize that the songs are not properly aligned with each other, but again with uncooperativeness, I may fix it later if I'm bored. Tuesday is almost upon us, tacos and Gilmore Girls for all! :)

it's International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aye me heartys ye read that rightly, be ye warned those found to be not speakin' in the way of a pirate shall be takin' a trip to Davy Jones' Locker. Savvy? Barring any further bouts of amnesia or cloning or kryptonite or time travel or . . . wait a minute . . . umm scratch that, start over. Barring any further bouts of internet troubles, I promise to post new songs this evening. It'll probably be around 7 PDT, so if you check before that don't be thinking that stupid Azina didn't post songs AGAIN. Though, if you check after that and there's still no songs, you're welcome to think that. ;) Set your watches and your DVRs and your VCRs (if you're still in the dark ages like me, woohoo dark ages!). Arrested Development premieres tonight at 8/7 central! Now in some sort of strange move very contradictory to the normal behavior of television exec's, Fox actually renewed this show for its 3rd season, which means you kids need to start watching it, esp...
it's harder than I thought to be the only one not there it's harder than the thought of not going home for Thanksgiving I'm actually not that sad about that one we're hosting Thanksgiving here, I'm excited about that Today was an odd day. My boss didn't show up at the office until 5:30, which was unfortunate as I was hoping he would let us go home early. As it was we left late, but it wasn't so bad. Since there's very little point in putting up songs of the week at this point I promise to put up a surprise or two in addition to the normal sotw next week. Sorry for my slackery. I blame the internet and Tuesday. But in the meantime go here and enjoy the song "What We Are Made Of" from the Bee Season trailer . I am greatly looking forward to this film. The version of the song in the trailer is a little different from the version on Scott Mallone's site and I do like the trailer version better but a slightly different and free mp3 of a really ...
I can feel the rain it will be here soon riding in on the coattails of a fall that took almost too long to arrive it matches my mood today a sort of grey and melancholy a thousand little things beyond my control have conspired to wreak havoc upon my life I assure you I will get through it and before too much time is allowed to pass all will be right again but tonight I will sit and wait for the rain to come and cleanse all that has marred this day Among a myriad of other things that happened today, the display on my cell phone went out, which is mostly just an annoyance. Except now I realized it's even more obtrusive as I use my cell phone as an alarm, but since I have no way of ensuring that I have actually set the correct time I will be forced to use an actual alarm clock whose grating sound I loathe. Bah. While today did mark the glorious advent of a new season of Gilmore Girls and it was Taco Tuesday, overall it was not the delightful day I had envisioned. And now I just want t...

could this be bliss

So I apologize for not uploading the new songs of the week. The webhost that I use is currently in the process of transferring things over to new servers and as such my site is currently down. As soon as it is back up I will update it and let you know. This was quite a good weekend. Friday night Nicole and I went to IHOP with Jon Mark and then watched Constantine. We were out til 3:30 am. Saturday there was some much needed sleeping in. And then James came over and fixed my VCR! He so wins a prize for that. Then we played some cards. Merlin came over and we played cribbage. Good times except for the bogus win Nicole & Merlin had in the tie breaking game. :P I'm not bitter I swear. Today was the first week of the Partnership 100 class at church. It's the this is what we believe as a church and this is what we feel our purpose is class. I've been attending Christian Assembly since March and I have a fairly good understanding about the church and I'm pretty sure it...
I recieved these two gems last Saturday. This one was left on my car when we went to Target. This one I received in the mail. You all know you want to go spelunking at work, now you know how. :)

iPod nano

Yesterday Apple introduced the iPod nano . It's cute and tiny and is available in black, something previously unseen in the iPod world with the exception of the special edition U2 iPod, which is still available. Now, it is important to note that I am not any sort of avid Apple fan that I am always aware of what sort of products they are rolling out. In fact, the only time I usually am aware of such things is when my friend Nick who is an avid Apple fan happens to alert me to the information in an attempt to convert me to the belief that Apple is superior to all. I have been friends with him for 7 years and it has yet to take effect, save for the fact that I admit Macs are better editing platforms than PCs. Anyway, I was only aware of these new baby iPods because I read about them in Variety. While I do enjoy cute and tiny technology I do have to wonder, is it too small (1.6 x 3.5 x 0.27 inches, 1.5 ounces)? Original flavor iPods are not overwhelmingly large (2.4 x 4.1 x .63 inches,...

give someone a hug

I heard from our production coordinator today. This was important to me seeing as the last I knew she was in New Orleans. I have only spoken on the phone with her a few times coordinating things between our office and the production office of which she is in charge, but she is lovely to deal with and I was deeply concerned for her well-being. I am quite glad to hear that she is safe. It hurts my heart when I know people are suffering. I mean, I know people suffer every day, but sometimes like now that suffering is more obvious, we cannot go about our daily lives without seeing evidence of it. I just want to give a hug to everyone who is broken right now. I know it won't fill their stomachs or quench their thirst, it won't rebuild their homes, but maybe just maybe it will make them feel better for just a moment. Or maybe not, but still I hope someone hugs them. I'm tired and I wish we still had small group on Wednesdays. I'm going to watch the rest of the episode of Gilm...

songs of the week!

Go here Since Nicole and I are going to Copeland in October the first song is my favorite Copeland song. And the second song is really just a childhood classic. Hmm, seems to be a theme on the blog this weekend. Oh and since I'm not too advanced at this html stuff it's possible that the columns are not even as they should be (the titles should line up). They are even on my computer, but I am quite aware that it is possible that this is only true if your settings are exactly the same as mine. So, if the columns are off on your computer I apologize, and please let me know. If you happen to know how I could fix that problem should it in fact exist, please also let me know that. Have fun and watch for flying monkeys!

the wedding cake goes home with his cousin Spike

It's not that I haven't thought about posting or wanted to post in the last few days, it's just every time I've sat down to write something the blank screen just stares back at me instead of jumping to life as usual. Since I still can't really think of anything to say I thought I would share a story with you. So I'm about 4 or 5 years old. There is a Peanuts special on. Cartoons airing on a weeknight are like getting free cookies at the grocery store. This one is titled "Snoopy's Getting Married, Charlie Brown." Amber, Raj, and I watch the show downstairs in the family room while mom is doing mom stuff upstairs. The half hour passes and we all return up the stairs. Only there's a problem. I'm bawling. "What did you do to her?" Mom inquires of my siblings. "Nothing," they try to convince her. So she asks me, "What's wrong?" To which I reply in my sad crying child voice, "They didn't get married!...