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Showing posts from November, 2004

good luck exploring the infinite abyss

"love sucks and snow is cold. you should come home." Best quote I've heard in awhile. :) I'm happy to say that it snowed in Omaha tonight. I'm ready to get back to LA, everyone I know here is in love & while that's all great for them, it pretty much just sucks for me. So as not to make this a whole depressing entry here are a few good things: ~ Garden State comes out on dvd in one month ~ my new niece or nephew will be born in just about 2 1/2 weeks ~ the new U2 cd is fanfreakin'tastic ~ I talked to Steve the other night which is always a happy thing. Yeah, that's about all I have right now. While it's been nice to be here, it's also been really hard mostly as a result of the aforementioned love thing. Give me a break, I'm trying my best here.

a bit of sadness

my thoughts are dwelling more frequently on you and I'd like to blame in on the holidays but if I were being honest with myself I'd have to say that maybe it's jealousy the landscape drifted by today as I drove to the place I once called home but all I recognized was the longing for you as it floated again too often through my mind I've known my whole life this desire and all around me the only fulfillment of it is found in everyone else's lives how can I be happy for them when my heart is crumbling everytime I try to express these words they feel all muddled it seems the poetry gets lost in the pain and maybe tonight that's okay sometimes reality takes over the fantasy eloquence bows to the emotion and all that's left to say is just how much I miss the one whose identity I have yet to know is he out there somewhere missing me too?

low-tech blogging

(Here's a really long blog entry that I am now typing out from what I wrote on the plane.) As I am officially authoring this entry I am sitting on a plane bound for Omaha, utilizing some good old fashioned pen & paper. Flying today reminds me just how much I hate flying. Check-in took a mere 7 minutes, but the security line was literally at least a city block long. Some of you may be aware of my propensity to exaggerate here, but this is one case when I am not. The security line took 40 minutes to get through. No worries, I arrived in plenty of time for abhorrently long lines. And hazaa for how I wasn't "randomly" selected for "special" screening today. By which of course they mean screening for Asian/Middle Eastern looking persons. Don't worry, I'm onto them. So right, back to why I hate flying, the noise. The never ending din of the sound of the airplane working. Yay for a functional aircraft, but wow how that insufferable roar makes me crazy. ...

best weekend ever!

First of all, I have to say wahoo! for the thunder that is going on outside right now. Hooray for pouring rain and weather that feels more like fall than summer. :) So, onto the wonderfulness that has been this weekend. Friday night Nicole & I saw "Finding Neverland." That is a fantastic film. As Nicole put it, "I laughed, I cried, I thought 'damn, Johnny Depp is hot,' and was simply amazed by the whole film." I couldn't have said it better. Today we went to the Getty, which if you've been keeping up is one of my favorite places. Then tonight we ordered pizza online, crazy new fangled technology changing everything all up. Mostly neither of us felt like calling, though the online thing was much more complicated. ;) Then went to the Grove. It's this cool outdoor mall. We went to Cost Plus World Market. That store rocks. Then we went to Barnes & Noble and browsed and talked about good books to read. I petted Joshua Braff's book, but ...

apparently I'm psychic

I know this must be true, otherwise the loan people wouldn't expect me to know how much to pay and the date it is due without sending me a bill. So, goodbye Mr. Franklin plus some. What a horrible way to realize it's been 6 months since graduation. It hardly seems possible. And today makes it 3 months until my birthday. I must be old. ;) Overall, today was a good day, dinner with the roommates at my Mexican place, Target, looking for dogs to adopt, ER with Nicole, chatting with Pieter, and to top it all off I got an email from Phil. And yes, that means what you think it does, a Phil quote. So among other things we have been talking about perception. We've been philosophizing and pondering about perception, reality, and the difference between the two. Tonight this is what Phil had to share on the topic. "Who knows how much we think we know about the world is right? I think someone should go out there and see it- just to be sure." This is good advice for a...

nice to meet you Mr. Franklin

Hazaa for a happy hump day! (Not like that, but in the Wednesday is referred to as "hump day" and I needed it for alliteration kind of way) I worked a full day today. We might be hiring Martin, better known as the hot French guy. We got my new computer in the office today. Shauna booked her ticket to visit over spring break! (This actually happened yesterday, but I'm mentioning it today.) I got real mail this week from RV. Ronnie figured out the goodness that happens on Dec. 28. Here's an effective way to inspire a good work ethic: give the person who's working for you a hundred dollars right away. Sound crazy? I'm okay with that b/c that is what the new guy I'm working for did today. I'm working on this side project that involves organizing, which I quite enjoy and I'm getting paid pretty well for it and it's pretty much at my leisure as long as it's done before Christmas. Notice how I wanted to start working on ...

mmm, spicy goodness

Is it weird that the hot salsa was bubbling. It kinda freaks me out. Oh well, it was still full of spicy goodness. So I like how I have an ear infection and no health insurance. Fun. Here are some fun numbers for you: 2.25 - the price of gas, sad to be excited about that when I about had an aneurysm when first went up to 2.23, ah what a difference an entire month of unholy gas prices will make 108,000 - miles on my little car 41! - from Ben Hur, that was his slave number & the guy yells it all like, "41!" I remember random things. Also happens to be the number of days til my favorite movie of the year is released in dvd. Don't worry even though I've done this countdown thing twice in one week, I won't be all keeping it up like that until it actually comes out, I'm not *that* obsessed. ;) So this is a short and random post, but I have to go into work early tomorrow so that means I have to read a 135 page script tonight. Yes, early only means 10am, but when ...
So I've been thinking about this Scott Peterson verdict the past couple of days. And it makes me sad. Not because I necessarily disagree with the jury's decision, but regardless of his guilt or innocence, a young woman and her baby are still dead as the result of a heinous act. I don't presume to know how Laci felt, but I do know about women in general. And I know that for many their dream is to find that special someone and start a family with him. And the very thought of being with the man they love & who loves them back and bringing a life into this world makes them happy beyond imagination. The idea of being pregnant & carrying & protecting that new little life is beautiful. I find it tragic that she was murdered in what I imagine to be one of the happiest times of her life. And that the man convicted of ending hers and her baby's life was the person she probably trusted the most in the world, makes it all the sadder. I don't understand this world so...

look at the duck!

So the next time I decide I want to make apple tarts, please remind me how I don't like to slice apples. Oh well, they turned out quite well. There are some left, so if you're wanting some baked goods, head over to my house. :) I'm looking forward to our Christmas party because that means making fun holiday food. I quite enjoy that. Nicole and I were discussing how in order to pass the time on the drive home we sometimes call our parents. When you're driving 7 mph to get home, talking on the phone is not dangerous, don't worry. Anyway, this coupled with the issue of occasionally feeling compelled to yell out certain expletives while driving can be bad. How to explain that? It was the radio? The parentals would still be upset at me listening to those kinds of things on the radio. It was the guy in the next car? Not very plausible. The safest bet is to try to convince them that what you actually said was, "Look at the duck!" For best results you should pr...

amendment amendment

I must make an amendment to the honeymoon advice embargo. As Pieter pointed out, Siberia might not be all that bad of a spot for a honeymoon as all the focus would be on activities to keep warm . . . So, if you're in need of honeymoon advice, you won't even get Siberia out of me, you will only get hit. That's my only offer to you, so don't ask. So yay, for having a life last night and going out & not getting back until almost 2 am. Good times. I feel like I'm really establishing a life here now & that is a great feeling. Now I just need friends to come visit me. :) Today I finally got my pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. See the Starbucks near my house closes at 6pm because they are jerks. So I can't make it there after work & for several reasons it's not convenient to go there before work. But last night I was supposed to get off at 5, leaving plenty of time to get some pumpkin-y goodness on my way home. Unfortunately, just as I was abo...

it tastes like childhood

Yes, I realize two posts in one day probably makes me look like a loser or something, but the way I see it you have two choices. You can be glad that I update my blog so often, thus offering you a great amount of joy throughout the week. Or you can think I'm a loser, and secretly be glad that I update my blog so often. Either way, you know you like it & you should probably not be thinking bad things about me because that's just not cool & I don't really think I want anyone not cool reading this blog, so perhaps you have some serious thinking to do, eh? No, I'm not Canadian. I went to Canada once. Vancouver. It's pretty chill. I had ramen noodles for dinner tonight because I didn't feel like cooking. I made them the way my mom did when we were growing up. She used to put a little bit of instant potatoes in them to soak up the excess water. It sounds nasty I know, but it's like eating my childhood. Delicious. I got an email from Phil today, which means...

advice amendment

Let me just say that while the regular relationship advice hiatus will end on Saturday, one thing I have no interest in ever advising people on is their honeymoon. If you can't decide where to go, do not ask me. I will not help you. Not today, not after Saturday. I don't feel bad putting a permanent embargo on this one. Why you might ask? Because not knowing where to go on a honeymoon is not an emotional or logical problem or one that even requires my insight but rather one that stems from lack of creativity & while in general I am happy to inspire creativity, on this one you're on your own as well you should be. And that's all I have to say on that one, ever. So don't ask. If you do I hereby vow to either hit you or if you are not in hitting range I will try to sell you on the virtues of Siberia. I will even call their bureau of tourism and make sure they start sending you monthly brochures. Consider yourself duly warned.
So tonight I thought I would drink some chai and watch the new episode of South Park and somehow all the stupid crap that happened today would just go away. One big problem with that plan, we're out of milk, and you can't make proper chai sans milk. And let me just clarify that it's not like today was a bad day, it's just all these little things that culminate into sadness. Like that lady who was driving like she couldn't see my car on the road, which actually turns out to be my fault as I forgot to turn off my invisibility cloak. Then there's the problem of four people working in my office where there are only two parking spots. Not being able to find parking annoys me because then I just drive around and around wasting precious gas. And the most frustrating thing is that at the end of the day I have a pretty good life, but these retarculous things just upset me sometimes & that feels so stupid. It's just frustrating because I do my best to be a giving ...

emails that make me want to kill myself

"I just wanted to let everyone know that it is exactly 199 days until my wedding. Today is Tuesday the 9th. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Just in case any of you are skimming and not paying the kind of serious attention to my humorous writing as you should be, that is an email sent to me. I am NOT the one getting married. Furthermore, were I the one with the impending nuptials/when I am, no one will be receiving this type of email from me. If for some reason I take crazy pills and do end up doing something like that, consider this your free pass to punch me. Only in that event, though, don't be thinking you can just come up and hit me because you read this. I shall be quite upset should you do that and may have to hit you back. Don't worry, I punch like a girl, for real. Anyway, I'm not all anti other people's happiness, but give me a break. Maybe one would have license to do this 10 days before the wedding, but 199, wh...
Everyone is aware right that if we didn't "fall back" we wouldn't have to "spring forward?" I'm just checking because otherwise I'm driving home in the dark for very little reason. One week it's light at 6pm and the next we decide it's time to be finished saving daylight and so my drive into darkness begins. Here's something funny from Fox News the other night, apparently Bush got re-elected by the middle of the US where nothing important happens. Please tell me that next time you want to eat dinner. Or the next time you decide you like the stock market because oh yeah that really rich guy, Warren Buffet or something like that is from the midwest and has his annual shareholders get together shindig in the midwest. Plus, let's be honest our whole little crazy clock jumping is largely for the farmers who are mostly in the midwest. Don't forget the importance of Texas where we get our main supply of illegal immigrants. And of course ...

happiness is not a fish that you can catch

Yes, listening to a little Our Lady Peace right now. Excellent music. Guess what tonight brings! The premiere of Arrested Development! Good stuff kids. This is one of two shows guaranteed to make me laugh, the other being Scrubs in case you are interested, as you should be. Both are quite funny and deserve all accolades bestowed upon them. Coffee update: So I realize that I've mentioned coffee quite frequently in my recent posts, so I thought I would offer you an update regarding Starbucks holiday lattes. I have now tried them all except Peppermint & Mocha, which just sounds gross to me. The Gingerbread latte which was the one afflicted with so much foam, was not so great even after I scraped away most of the offending froth. Today I tried the Eggnog latte. This one was okay. But it must be noted that the Pumpkin Spice latte is by far the best, so save yourself some time and about $15 and just take my word for it. :) Or you could just forget all the coffee and go for a chai ...

froth overkill

So to copy my brother who was copying our beloved Craig Kilborn, here's a little "to ______ with love." To P.Diddy with love. Quite a campaign you started there. It was a substantial failure, but don't feel too bad, you still have your cool tshirts to peddle. I don't think anyone died, so you can be glad about that. To the Starbucks girl with love. When making my latte, instead of commenting to your co-worker how you do not like coffee, perhaps you should make sure you are not putting an unholy amount of foam in my drink. Might I suggest employment at an establishment that sells any kind of product you do like? To Friday with love. How much more joyful of a day you are when I am actually employed. To the Tortilla Grill with love. Your quesadillas con pollo and hot salsa make for quite a delicious lunch. How I enjoy having a great restaurant within walking distance of my job. I also enjoy that your employees are so friendly to me. Looking like several d...

Go Bush!

Woo! First of all, can we just go back to the days when they call the election? 2000 was a fluke okay, let's not have this whole I'm not gonna concede crap. Ah well, at least he didn't concede and then take it back like someone else we all know and dislike. Anyway, so a couple of things that I have realized recently. One, I dislike talking about politics with people who disagree with me AND do not know what they are talking about. I think this is because I have been into politics since I was about 6. No kidding. I remember sitting in First Grade and doing our class vote for George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis. Bush won that class vote in case you are curious. I remember saying in 5th grade that if Clinton won I would move to India. I would have too if I had any money. Same thing in 9th grade. And then the year I turned 18 there was a presidential election and I got to vote for George W. Bush. And I'm happy to say that I did that again today. Having been interested i...
How sad for my life when no one is online with whom to chat. The trouble of working in the afternoon is that I can still stay up freakishly late, hooray for that. But no one else does. Of course I should be using this lateness to finish one script coverage and to read another script and cover it, but alas I would rather be blogging. I was trying to figure out how I could put it off until tomorrow, but I just don't think that is possible once I factor into my day the necessary sleeping in and the getting ready time and the errand I am so graciously running for one of my roommates and the 25 minute commute. Note: not complaining about my drive time, it's quite decent for LA. Good things from tonight: white chocolate latte from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Right, I know it's all kinds of sacrilege to patron ginormous coffee chain that isn't Starbucks, but the Coffee Bean is open later & a closer walking distance from my house, so whatever. Another good thing from tonigh...